Sunday 5 February 2012

Weekly Update!

Tagines & Manchester Phoenix!

This week has been fairly busy socially, which is good! On Monday I was at the pub as per, and I had the chicken and vegetable stir fry, which Chorchaba made really hot without telling me! It was nice to try something a bit different though.

On Tuesday I went swimming, and Wednesday I did yoga (I'm keeping up with the daily exercise routine!) and then on Wednesday evening my friends came to my house for some food that I cooked (see previous post). It was great to see them all, as I feel like my job has been taking over my life recently and I've not made much effort to catch up. Now that I'm more settled I know which days I can cope with doing something sociable on!

On Thursday I did that most arduous of tasks - dying my hair. Despite purposefully buying the bleach for dark hair to give it a super strength kick, it turned out really well, and I've booked to have my grey toner put over it next week ready for my week off of partying and travelling the country. After I'd dyed it, I went to pick Jasmine up from the train station as she was home for the weekend, and we spent the rest of the evening giggling over silly Youtube videos!

I babysat on Friday, and we made mini gingerbread men which were adorable! I didn't get up to much once Aum was in bed except planning for my latest Candid article (keep your eyes peeled next week) and finishing off my book (see previous post). On Saturday after I had been to work I picked Chris up from the train station and we got ready to go out for a meal. It was very icy so we must have looked a bit of a sight walking to the restaurant in Timperley village, but once we were inside it was gorgeous and warm, and the food was lovely (see next week's post).

Today it has been our three year anniversary, hence the meal yesterday, and so we had a nice lazy day before heading into Altrincham to watch the ice hockey, which we both enjoy. It was a good match, with a few near misses for the opposing team, the Swindon Wildcats, which I think always makes for an intense game. Manchester Phoenix won in the end though, with six goals to three, placing them in a better position to win the English Premier League, as they are currently 4 points behind the leaders - the Guildford Flames. We also had a hotdog during one of the intervals, adding a tasty end to a packed week!

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