Monday 13 February 2012

Weekly Update! (From yesterday)

Paella, High Tea & Shameless!

This week I didn't do a lot until the end of the week. I made some chocolate crispy cakes with Aum on Thursday while I was babysitting which were really nice, and then on Friday I went to Emily and Smeed's house for tea with the girls. She had made a tasty chorizo and chicken paella, and I took a camembert which we baked and had with breadsticks for our starter. Natasha bought a lovely dessert that was a mixture between a pavlova and a cake - it had sponge, then whipped cream and forest fruits, topped with lemon cream and white chocolate shavings!

On Saturday I worked at the pub, and then drove straight to Lancaster afterwards for a night out there. There were a lot of us out which was cool, although Geoff and I somehow managed to lose everyone else and ended up wandering around until 3am! We caught the last bus home and stayed up

chatting for a while before I slept until midday - it's a long time since that has happened! I felt awful the following day, my body has obviously lost its alcohol tolerance! I pulled myself together though and got ready to go out with Timna for afternoon tea at The Borough. We had it last summer as a goodbye celebration and so thought it would be nice to go back for a catch up. The mini sandwiches and cream cakes perked me right up, and I drove to Chris' house after dropping Timna back at uni.

We had a gorgeous lamb roast dinner, and then watched a few episodes of Shameless before going to bed. I now have a week off work which is going to be amazing - I definitely need to recharge my batteries!

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