Sunday 19 February 2012

Weekly Update!

Decorating, Travelling & Recovering!

This week I was very lucky to get a week off work and so thought I'd make the most of it. On Monday I came back from a night at Chris' via the gym, and Charlotte and Tasha came to mine for a coffee in the afternoon. I worked at the pub in the evening, but we were fairly quiet so I got to leave early which was nice.

On Tuesday I went for a swim in the morning, and then worked the lunch at the pub. When I came home, Mum and I started decorating my room. I have just repainted all the white walls as they were looking a little grubby, and switched some of my furniture around, as well as wallpapering one feature wall with some lovely gold printed paper. I have a few bits left to buy (new blinds, a unit etc) but all the messy bits are now complete, and considering I have had the wallpaper since before Christmas, I was just glad to finally get it done.

On Wednesday I went to Nottingham overnight (see previous post) which was lots of fun, and then on Friday I went for a run and then got some long overdue odd jobs done, like cleaning out the inside of my car, and cleaning the rabbit hutch. In the afternoon Chris came to visit and we went for a drink with Emily and Smeed before going to see The Woman In Black (see previous post). He left early on Saturday for me to go to the pub, and my mum and Aunty and Uncle popped in whilst I was working which was nice.

After work I drove straight to Leeds to see my sister at university. My cousins and their friends all came out with us, so there was a big group, and we had fun pre-drinking and catching up before heading to Evolution in Leeds. It was a really good night, although I had a few too many and can't remember the majority of the night!

Luckily my cousin Alex took up the challenge of looking after me, so I was in good hands; and I stayed at their house rather than my sisters, so there was a proper breakfast in the morning for me. I had a catnap and then drove home at 3pm, to get ready for starting work again tomorrow. The week has gone so quickly, but I am off to Paris in another week, so at least it's not long before my next break!

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