Tuesday 7 August 2012

Traveller's Tales...

San Miguel, Tenerife

On Sunday evening I got back from a lovely week in San Miguel in Tenerife. It had it's moments (mainly an ex boyfriend drama and a lost handbag!) but overall it was a great holiday. We got there very late on the previous Sunday night, so pretty much went to bed as soon as we arrived, ready for a full day in the sun the following day.

On the Monday we had some breakfast, as we had been provided a pack from the hotel with bread, eggs, milk and cereal in which was a nice touch. Then we went down to the pool. The sunbed situation wasn't great, so we ended up a little far away from the pool, but at least we got three sunbeds, which is more than some families had! We spent the day sunbathing, and had some lunch at the pool bar before going back upto the room later on to get ready for our first night out.

We had been given a free three course meal as part of our hotel deal, so we went down to claim this once we had had a few drinks in the apartment. I had tomato and basil soup, followed by oven baked seabass and then caramel ice cream to finish. I was really surprised that we could just choose whatever we wanted and it wasn't limited to certain sections, so I definitely got my moneys worth! Afterwards we went out for a few drinks in Los Cristianos, the nearest big town. It was pretty dead, it was Monday, but we thought there may be a few more tourists around. We still had a fun night though and got a few few drinks which is always a bonus!

The next couple of days were much the same, on Tuesday we went to the supermarket and bought loads of food so we could eat in to save some money, and in the evening we had some sangria at one of the hotel bars before getting a fairly early night. On Wednesday evening we went out in Las Americas which was lots of fun, but that was also a fateful night as we all lost each other so got separate taxis home, and that was the night Lizzie lost her bag too.

Thursday was spent in a hungover haze, and on Friday we went into Las Americas again to report Lizzie's bag and to spend the day on the beach. We had a really nice lunch at one of the beach bars, and stayed out quite late before going back to get ready for another night out. We did a cliff walk from the hotel, and then stopped at a bar called Taboos for a drink before heading home (which is when drama two occurred, but we won't talk about that...).

On Saturday spirits were pretty low, but it was our last full day so we thought we'd try and make the most of it. We spent the day by the pool again, and then in the evening we went out for tapas, which was gorgeous. We had garlic and herb bread, patatas bravas, chorizo, calamari, meatballs, chilli prawns, pork kebabs in peppercorn sauce, steak pieces in a sauce and stuffed peppers. Somehow we managed to eat it all, but we were very full afterwards! It was a lovely way to end the holiday, and we went for a drink and a gossip next door afterwards which was fun!

The following day we finished packing and checked out. Lizzie's flight was earlier than mine and Lydia's, so she left pretty much straight away, but we had a last few hours to sunbathe before leaving at 1pm. We arrived home at about 8pm, knackered and drained, but it was a fab holiday. It's just a shame my next one to Turkey is now cancelled due to the boyfriend drama that happened whilst we were away. Aww well!

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