Sunday 26 August 2012

Weekly Update!

Mazes, Dancing & lots of Food!

The first week back at work after a holiday is always a drag, although it could have been much worse in my case, as Aum is on school holidays at the moment, so we get to do lots of fun stuff.

On Monday we didn't do very much, just ran a few errands and then went to look at the animals at the pet shop, and then I worked at the pub. On Tuesday the weather appeared quite fine, so we went to Red House Farm with my two cousins and my auntie to do the Maize Maze there. This year it was Jubilee themed, so was shaped like a giant crown, and the nine stamps you had to collect around it were all quintessentially British, including a postage stamp, a union jack flag and a sceptre. It was more difficult than I remembered, and didn't help that it started raining half way around, so we cheated slightly to get all the stamps and find our way out (shh!).

On Wednesday we went to see Brave at the cinema (see previous post), and on Thursday I took Aum and his friend to the Blue Planet Aquarium which was really fun (see previous post). In the evening once I had finished work I very quickly got my nails done, and then went round to Hana's for some pre-drinks before going out to Sakura on Deansgate Locks in Manchester. It was a really fun night, we all had a good dance, and got rather more drunk than we had intended; so on Friday I was a little tender at work! Luckily Aum had a tennis lesson in the morning so I got to have a little nap, and then we went for lunch at Hale Spa & County Club, where I had a sunblush tomato, mozzerella and pesto risotto which sorted me right out!

That evening Lydia was back from uni so I went out with her in the Northern Quarter in Manchester. It was really nice just for the two of us to chill out and have a few cocktails in Bluu and Trof, and we ended up in this club called Mint, dancing to 90s pop music and having a laugh before getting the last met home. I was at work the following day, and afterwards I had the girls round to mine for a few drinks as I had a free house. We went out into Altrincham at around 11pm, starting in Bloom and then moving on to Heart and Soul which was a laugh. Lydia and Tasha had ordered a sharing Zombie cocktail in Bloom, and Emily and I had been doing shots of rum, so we were all nicely merry, and stayed out until the club shut at 2.30am.

Today Tasha and Lydia came round to chill out for a while this morning, and then I have just got back from Hana's house, where Lydia and I were treated to a hangover feast of lemon tart, clotted cream, After Eights, strawberries and chocolate. Not that I haven't eaten enough this week... and lack of gymming due to work is not boding well - it's a good job my scales at home have broken!

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