Monday 13 August 2012

Traveller's Tales...


On Friday, Emily, Hana and I drove to York to see Lydia, who is at university there. We got stuck in traffic so it took us 2 1/2 hours to get there, but we still arrived by half seven so had plenty of time to get ready.

We stayed in a hotel called Elmbank which was lovely - all sweeping mahogany staircases and velvet armchairs, yet the bathroom was very modern and it was only £50 for the night. We had some drinks in the room whilst getting ready, and then headed into town at nineish. We went to a place called Bar Swine, which had a rock vibe and did some unusual cocktails - mine had egg white in! It was tasty though, and after that we moved onto Revs for a pitcher before going to meet Lyd in a bar called 1331. We stayed there until it closed, and then went to a club called Vudu and had a dance. It was pretty pricey though, over £7 for a double spirit and mixer!

We then moved onto this really random place called Willow, a Chinese restaurant that somehow turned into a nightclub in the evening, don't know how legal it was! The music in there was horrendous though (very 90s disco) so Em and I went back to Vudu until the others were ready to leave. We got a taxi home pretty late, and didn't get to bed until about 5am; made worse by the 11am check out time the next morning!

In the morning we went for a wander, and had some late breakfast at an Italian (don't ask, it was AWFUL!) and did a bit of shopping before driving home at 2pm. The weather was lovely, so it was nice to have a walk around the city and soak in the sights. It was a shame we didn't get to see Lydia for longer, but it was a good spontaneous break nonetheless!

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