Monday 6 August 2012

Summer Views...

The Dark Knight Rises - 5 stars *****

Before I went to Tenerife, I went to see this with my friends after work one night as I had wanted to see it for a while. I loved The Dark Knight, but haven't actually seen Batman Begins - I don't think it makes much of a difference though as they are all good stories in their own right.

This is the tale of Batman eight years on from the last film, and in this time he has become akin to an old man, weak and reclusive, locking himself away in his grand house. This is due mainly to the public, who have taken a disliking to him after he took the blame for Harvey Dent's crimes. However, the terrorist acts of a new threat - Bane - forces the superhero to come out of hiding to challenge him. 

He must work to regain his strength, and it is during his rigorous training that as an audience you really get a grip on the depths of the character of Bruce Wayne. It is refreshing to see a superhero fail, and struggle to come to terms with his own weaknesses; it makes it that much more emotionally involving - I totally welled up at various points throughout this!

There are a few new characters in this, local policeman John Blake (cutie Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and most noticeably love interests Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman and Marion Cottillard as Miranda, who both provide eye candy for males in the audience, not least due to a certain leather catsuit. I personally love Cottillard, and it was great to see her playing a slightly different role in this, as there was a great twist for her character in the end.

The film overall was brilliant, slick, action-packed, gripping, believable, and contained a score of highly talented actors who really brought the picture to life. It was pretty long (over 2 1/2 hours!) but not once did my attention wane, and I think that is the symbol of a truly awesome piece of cinema. A few people I have spoken to have said it is the best film of 2012, and I can honestly say that I don't doubt it for a second.

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