Sunday 7 October 2012

Weekly Update!

Looper, Leeds, Lancaster & Lounging!

This week has gone really quickly, mainly because I had a lovely long weekend to look forward to at the end of it. I worked on Monday, and on Tuesday I went for a few drinks with Tasha and Charlotte, and then we went to the cinema to see Looper (see next week's Candid article). Wednesday I stayed in, and then on Thursday I picked Aum up early from school at 1.30pm and drove him to his grandparents in Pontefract for the weekend. Once I'd done that, my weekend could begin! 

On the way home I stopped off in Leeds to see Jasmine and after having some tea we got ready for a night on the town! We went to Lipstick Jungle, a night at Warehouse, which I have been to before and really enjoyed. This night didn't disappoint, and Jasmine stayed at her boyfriends so I got a full room to myself - bonus! (even if it was a little messy!)

On Friday I set off back home at 2pm, and had just enough time to finish my latest article before setting off for Lancaster at 6pm. I picked my friend Amanda up on the way as she lives in Stretford, and despite the traffic we made it there for half 7, which wasn't too bad. I drove onto campus for a drink in County Bar and to see a few old friends, and then we went back to where we were staying to get ready for a night out. We went straight to Sugarhouse as we had been told it would be busy with it being Lancaster's Freshers week, but there was no queue at all so we had a sly one in The Yorkshire House before heading in.

As the night progressed it got really busy, and it ended up being such a good night out, I saw loads of people I knew which made me feel slightly less old! The following day I was lucky enough to experience my first ever McDonald's breakfast; even if I cheated by having a bacon sandwich and pancakes with maple syrup, it was gorgeous all the same. Just a shame I had to get up at 9.30am to have it!

I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon vegging out/ napping on my friend's sofa, before setting off at 2pm for home. I arrived back just after 4pm after a slight detour, and had a very chilled Saturday night in spent on the sofa watching garbage on TV. I needed it after two nights out on the trot, don't know how I used to do four or five nights in a row at uni! Sunday I went for a walk (see next post) and had a lovely roast dinner - yum!

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