Sunday 14 October 2012

Weekly Update!

Zumba, Old Flames, Prosecco & MAC!

This week began with a lie in, which is always nice! Aum was still at his grandparents, and I set off after lunch at about half past twelve to pick him up. When we arrived back in Bowdon his parents were home, so I got to finish at 4pm, a fairly easy day! I was still at the pub in the evening, but luckily it was fairly quiet so I wasn't there too late.

On Wednesday I tried my first Zumba class with my mum, which was an experience! I am not the most coordinated at the best of times, but since I have been doing my body conditioning classes I have definitely improved, so think that helped. I wouldn't rush back, as although I could tell it was working muscles, I found it pretty relaxed and a little cheesy (I prefer my workouts to be quite tough and serious evidently!) but it was nice to do something a bit different with my mum.

On Thursday I met up with Shaun, my ex-boyfriend who I was with for nearly three years through high school and sixth form. I had not seen him for nearly four years, so I was a little dubious as to how it would be, but we got on really well, and it was lovely to catch up. We did a mini bar crawl in Manchester, revisiting a few places we used to go to together which was sweet. We started in Atlas Bar near Deansgate Locks, then went to Duke's 92, and ended in Font Bar on Oxford Road. It was absolutely pouring down with rain, and I had chosen to wear a black maxi-dress, which wasn't my wisest decision, but at least I had an umbrella to protect my hair! We got the met back so it wasn't too late a night, although annoyingly I had an empty house, so still had to pay for a taxi to get myself back from the met stop!

On Friday I didn't have anything planned, but when I got in from work Mum and Dad asked if I wanted to go for a curry with them at the Mhariam in Timperley village, so we wandered down there at 7pm. We got some onion bhajis and a mixed starter platter, then had two mains to share with some rice, chapattis and a peshwari naan bread. We got a chicken tikka masala and a lamb samber, and they were both gorgeous. We go to the restaurant quite a lot (Mum and Dad are on first name terms with the owner!) as it never disappoints and is very reasonable for the quality of the food.

On Saturday my dad went to Brussels on holiday early in the morning, and when Mum got back from taking him to the airport we went to Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet (see previous post). It is a personal favourite, and this time I was particularly lucky in finding some things I needed.. or wanted!

That evening I wore some trousers that I had bought that day, and went into Hale with Tasha and Abi, who was home from uni for the weekend. We drank lots of prosecco and had a good giggle! This morning I felt surprisingly perky, so went for brunch with Charlotte and Tasha at 12pm, and then in the afternoon I met my friend Julie who I went to uni with, in Manchester for a coffee. We had a really good chinwag, and I also got to go and spend some money at the MAC counter, so it has been a really good week! When I got home, my mum had also made some tasty tea - roasted squash with feta cheese and roasted veg, it was gorge!

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