Sunday 21 October 2012

Weekly Update!

Catchups, Corsets & Housewarmings

The start of this week was BORING! I did absolutely nothing until Friday apart from work and go to the gym, which meant by the time it came around, I was desperate to do anything entertaining. During the day I went for a coffee with a guy I used to work with, which was really nice. I hadn't seen him since I was about eighteen, so we had lots to catch up on!

In the evening I had Tasha and Emily to my house for a few drinks, and then we went into Alderley Edge for a change. We started at a bar called Botanist, which was very lively and had a great atmosphere, and surprisingly wasn't too expensive. Despite not intending on having a particularly late one, we then moved on to Panacea, another bar but with a bit more of a clubby vibe. We had a really good night, and then got a taxi home which was unfortunately £40 compared to the £20 we paid on the way there.

On Saturday I had intended going to the gym, but chickened out as I had a horrendous hangover. I spent the day sleeping and eating rubbish food before jumping in the shower ready for another night out, which I really didn't feel up to, but it was my friend Hendo's flatwarming in Manchester, and a few people had cancelled so I felt I should make the effort. I drove there as I was staying over so had to take my airbed etc, and parked up before getting back on the alcohol. There were quite a few people there, including my ex Chris and his friend Jess who have just got back from travelling. It was slightly awkward, but I guess that's to be expected, especially as they had been on a coach for the past 22 hours so weren't in the most sociable of moods. 

I was on the gin, and there was also skittles vodka going around, so no surprise that I was in quite a state, the photos are awful! We went out to Revs, and that's about as much of the night as I can remember... Today has been a worse hangover than yesterday, I only drove home about three hours ago - clearly I can't handle two nights out in a row anymore, sad times!

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