Sunday 28 October 2012

Weekly Update!

Champagne, Engagement Parties & Disastrous Car Journeys!

This week has been another where it was pretty boring to begin with, and then was loads of fun at the weekend! Apart from going to Jodrell Bank on Tuesday (see previous post) I literally did nothing of interest after work on each day, just chilled out and got a few much needed early nights.

On Friday I finished work early at 4pm which was nice, and then I had some pumpkin, tomato and feta cheese pasta for tea with mum as dad was on nights. I got ready to go out, and Charlotte, Natasha, Lydia and Abi came around to my house for a few drinks before we went out. After my heavy weekend last week, plus a fairly early drive on Saturday, I had decided not to drink, so I drove us into Knutsford where we had one in Canvas Lounge before moving on to Amba. Natasha's boyfriend met us out, and managed to get us into VIP with free champagne and vodka, so I decided to jack in the no drinking business and pick up my car the following morning. I didn't actually have that much in the end, probably only two drinks over the limit, so I regretted not sticking to my guns at the end of the night when we had to fork out a lot for a taxi home!

On Saturday morning, I got a lift for my car (which luckily hadn't been given a ticket!) and then went home again to finish packing for my little trip to Oxford. I set off at 12pm armed with directions and my lunch for the car. It wasn't until I stopped at a service station to eat said lunch that I realised I'd missed my junction on the M40, so took the scenic route through Evesham to get to where my friend Timna lives in Sibford Ferris, near Banbury. Unfortunately along the way I managed to puncture my tyre, so had the added stress of replacing that on the roadside in the freezing cold, but I felt very proud after completing the job - man points gained! Once I arrived I was presented with a cup of tea and a cupcake, possibly the best thing after my ordeal, and later on we got ready for the reason I had travelled so far - our friend from university Laura's engagement party.

Timna drove us there, and upon arrival we were given mohitos and lots of canapés which were amazing, there were salmon blinis, caramelised onion and crème fraiche on cheesy biscuits, filo pastry baskets with lime and chilli thai mix in, tomato and houmous tarts and homemade filo pastry sausage rolls. I had just about eaten my fill when we were told that prosecco and cake was on the way, so I had to make some more room! The cake I had was divine, it had a biscuit base, topped with peanut butter and crunchie blitzed together, then two layers of sponge all covered in buttercream and sprinkled with popcorn, I've never seen or eaten a cake like it! You only needed the smallest sliver, which my waistline was glad about. The other was a sweet and salty chocolate cake which had gooey caramel in the middle, but I couldn't manage any more food after the mammoth amount I had gorged.

Laura's dad did a speech, and we also did some wine tasting to gain some opinions on the couple's ideas for wine for the actual day, and then we went home at half eleven as I was so tired after lots of driving and eating! The following day we had pancakes for brunch, and then walked Timna's dog in a nearby field before meeting Laura and a couple of others for cream tea. We went to a place called Daylesford, which is a deli/ restaurant/ homeware/ Christmas shop that I have been to before. It is really countrified, and the scones there are so good! I set off for home at 4pm, and luckily the drive home wasn't quite so traumatic and took exactly three hours which wasn't bad. I had a lovely mackerel salad for tea when I got in, and then went to bed once I had unpacked - super busy weekend!

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