Thursday 10 January 2013

Traveller's Tales...

Andorra (Part 2)

On the Wednesday it was my final skiing lesson, and I pretty much stayed in bed until it started. We actually went on the slopes, and it was such a confidence boost to see my improvement from the first day. We each got a certificate which was cute, and then Bobby and I went to Pas 83 for some drinks. I stayed in there with the reps and the Lincoln lot and got a little tipsy on BOGOF gins doing drinking games! 

That night it was the 'Mountain Meal', which was actually in Milwaukee, a bar around the corner from the hotel, not up the mountain! I wore a new blue sequin dress as it was a chance for us to dress up nicely for once. We had chicken wings for starter, followed by ribs with jacket potato and coleslaw, and apple cobbler and custard for dessert. It was all you could drink as well, so we definitely made the most of that! There was a band on afterwards and drinking games, so it was a really fun night. Unfortunately I swallowed my tongue stud which was a little annoying, Pete the rep did an announcement in case anyone had a spare! 

Lydia got really drunk so Lizzie and I attempted to take her home, but halfway there she changed her mind so we went to Bilbord, the club we were supposed to be going to after. Noone was in there so we went for a quick one in Paddys, and when people still didn't turn up we went back to Milwaukee, where we actually stayed for quite a while longer. Everyone got so drunk! There was a face painter in there who did a cool multicoloured animal print on my face for 5 euro, and they had kareoke too - though I steered clear! We went on to Bilbord after, which was probably the first proper club we had been in, they played some good music and it was underground and had booths to sit in and stages to dance on. It was a very late night, and probably my favourite of the holiday as everyone enjoyed themselves so much.

The next day I felt rubbish so decided to take a day off skiing and just lay about all day! I eventually got up at about 4pm, and had a shower and started to get ready for the night out, which was scrubs themed - they were so comfy! Everyone looked really good, and we had pre-drinks at our room which was a lot of fun. We went out to Paddy's pretty late, and a few of us took part in a challenge where you were strapped into skis on the ceiling upside down and had to down a drink - taking one for the girls! We then moved onto Shamrocks where they were playing some brilliant dubstep so I had a little skank, and then we went to Bilbord again... at 3.30am! We were there for ages, and I eventually got to bed at about 5am.

The following day I went skiing with Lydia and a doctor she had met the night before called Matt. We did a red run a couple of times, and then Matt took me up to do the run I was going to have to do that afternoon after apres-ski at the panoramic bar at the top. It was pretty scary, and so steep! I was OK to begin with, and then I got my skis caught and my boot wasn't tight enough so I twisted my leg - I had to be rescued and taken down in a bodybag! I went back and got changed and then we headed up to the bar where we had a couple of mulled wines and watched a band play. Lydia and I got to take the chairlift down as we were the cripples (!) which was pretty funny drunk. We had a few after in Pas 83 and chatted with the reps, then went sledging, which was so much fun!

Everyone's spirits were a little low that night, the week was catching up with us, and most had peaked too soon. It was jungle themed, I was a 'snake', and we went out (very late!) to Shamrocks and then finished in Underground. Most people left quite early, but I was determined, so stayed out with random other stragglers and the reps. The next morning we had to tidy up the room and pack our bags ready to check out at 4pm. We got the coach at 5.40pm, and started the horrific journey home. I felt so ill I basically slept the whole way, leaving everyone with the lovely memory of me looking like death in my 70s style pyjamas! 

It was such an awesome week, I loved every minute. I am so glad that even if it was a little belated, I finally dragged myself onto a ski trip, as I would certainly do one again, and Andorra was ideal for a novice like myself!

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