Monday 7 January 2013

Traveller's Tales...

Andorra (Part 1)

On Saturday 29th December, I left Timperley with Lydia to drive to York at around 2pm. We got there for just after 4pm with a little McDonalds stop, and loaded our (very heavy!) luggage onto the coach. I was really hungover, so tried to sleep as soon as I got to my seat, which was a shame as I felt I couldn't really be properly introduced to everyone or join in some games that were going on. We drove for what seemed like forever, stopping a couple of times for food and toilet stops, and of course to cross the channel, before eventually reaching our hotel at about 5pm.

We were quite lucky as it meant we got there in time to pick up our skis ready for the morning, and had chance to unpack and have showers etc before going out that night. The other coach from Lincoln had a flat tyre, so didn't arrive until 10.30pm! We had a few drinks in the room, and then went to a bar around the corner called Underground. The drinks weren't that cheap (4€) but the measures were ridiculous so we couldn't complain. The music was really good as well as it was an indie club, so we stayed until pretty late.

The following day I had my first skiing lesson. It wasn't until 2pm, so I had a good lie in and washed my hair beforehand. Initially I was put in the advanced beginners group, but after a shaky and nerve-racking start at the top of a slope, I decided to join the complete beginners! I felt much more comfortable in that group, and we were just practising snow plough and using the carpet and rope lifts, so I knew what I was doing this time. After my three hours I was pretty tired, so headed back to the hotel room and got changed. 

That night was New Years Eve, and it was neon rave themed bar crawl, so I started getting ready with plenty of time and had a couple of drinks before we all left for Paddys, our first stop. As the name suggests it is an Irish bar, and is pretty good, we had a few free drinks in the bars included in the crawl, so didn't spend very much. We moved on next door to Shamrocks, another Irish place which is tiny, and then to a bar called KYU next to our hotel. We were allowed to dance on the bar in there which was loads of fun, and there was a proper dancefloor so everyone was up having a boogie. We finished in Underground again, where the atmosphere was really good and everyone was enjoying themselves - we also did two countdowns for the UK and French time zones!

The next day I felt a little worse for wear, but forced myself up as Lydia, Steph (our roommate) and I had said we'd go for some lunch somewhere as it was New Years Day. We went to a little pizza place near the bottom of the slopes, where I had a lovely ham, artichoke, mushroom and egg pizza, even if I did save half for later on! My second lesson was really enjoyable actually, and I felt much more confident with my technique, the only annoying thing was we were constantly using the rope lift, which really knackered my arms.

I met up with Lyd and Steph once I'd finished and we went for drinks at a place called Pas 83 near our hotel, as it was where everyone went straight from the slopes. I just stuck to coke as I still felt grim, and we left shortly afterwards as everyone was pretty drunk and we weren't really making the most of it! That night we had a fairly quiet one, only the three of us went out and just stuck to KYU next door, the Lincoln lot were clearly on it, but we had a couple of drinks and were home by 3am (early by Andorra standards!). Luckily there was no theme that night so I wore my leather dress and we got some nice pictures!

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