Sunday 13 January 2013

Weekly Update!

Illness & Satans!

This week's post will be ridiculously short, as I have been laid up in bed pretty much everyday with a horrible cold/ cough/ temperature, so have accomplished very little. Besides sleeping literally all I have done is eat, clean my room and have my nails done! I was in bed by 10.30pm on Friday, and woke up fairly early on Saturday with the intention of going into town, only to fall asleep on my bed again until two!

When I eventually got up I went to buy some false eyelashes and pick up a top I bought from French Connection that was being delivered to Waitrose, and then had some food before starting to get ready for a night out. It was my friend Dom's 25th birthday, so we went to Wetherspoons in Altrincham for a few before getting a minibus into town to go to Satan's Hollow. The main room basically consisted of middle-aged men swinging their unnecessarily long hair around in circles to heavy metal, but luckily the second room was playing old school skater style stuff like Blink 182, Bowling For Soup and Taking Back Sunday, so we had a laugh dancing around and reliving the Urbis days.

I went back to a friend's house and was there until mid afternoon today, before I had to brave the cold to get my car from Altrincham, which wasn't so fun! The rest of the day I've spent chilling out, and I've just had an amazing Moroccan meatball tagine with poached egg and cous cous for my tea - delish!

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