Sunday 27 January 2013

Weekly Update!

Good Food, Housewarming & Gym Bunnying!

This week I've been really good, I went to the gym every week day, and have been watching what I eat using this app on my phone which is amazing. I've lost 4lbs which is pretty impressive in a week!

I worked on Monday, and on Tuesday I did the now seemingly weekly visit to Hale Country Club restaurant for tea. I had chicken skewers with salad, followed by chocolate and macadamia brownie with pistachio ice cream and fruit salad (I had to save up calories during the day!) which was gorgeous. 

Wednesday was a quiet day, and then on Thursday I went with Dad for a tour of Hale Country Club, and we ended up joining. It was £55 join up fee, and is £69 a month, but the facilities are incredible and I definitely think I will get my money's worth. In the evening I went for a drink and to see Django with Rick, my old work colleague. The film was amazing (see previous post) and it was nice to catch up with Rick who I've not seen since before Christmas.

On Friday I went for afternoon tea at Wyevale Garden Centre with Mum, and then I babysat for Aum in the evening and got £45, which is desperately needed to last until payday next Wednesday! Afterwards I drove through the crazy snow to my friend's flat in the town centre for the night, it took me over half an hour to get there! Saturday was a lazy day, I drove back home and spent some time sorting through my filing and memory boxes which was nostalgic, and then went to a housewarming in the evening with Emily, Dom, Mo, Ellie, Kirsty and Smeed. I only intended drinking the 3/4 bottle of wine I took, but a trip to Tescos resulted in another bottle being bought and consumed!

Today has been spent feeling very hungover, I didn't get up until 4pm! I had a shower and then went for a meal at Giraffe in Spinningfields with a few people from last night and a couple more which was nice. I had duck and orange tostada for starter, followed by prawn, chicken and chorizo jambalaya and then had a cappucino with crushed amaretti biscuits for 'dessert'. I got home at about half nine which was good as I still had the evening to chill out a bit. I listened to the new Everything Everything album, which I love, and am just off to bed. 2013 is turning out to be a good year so far!

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