Sunday 20 January 2013

Weekly Update!

Country Clubs, Rum & Burst Pipes

I had a nice, varied week this week, though money is rapidly decreasing (I have £24 to last until 29th Jan!!) so next week may be slightly less interesting! On Monday I worked at the pub, but it was so quiet, I only made £5 tips which is pretty dire. On Tuesday I finally made it back into the gym to do a body conditioning class, which went well considering my leg is still pretty painful now and again. In the evening Aum had his first swimming lesson at Hale Spa and Country Club, and we ate our tea there afterwards. I had fish and chips, served with creamed peas which were delicious, and it looked very pretty on the plate. Considering it is quite an upmarket place, the food is actually very reasonable (not that I was paying!).

On Wednesday the slump of the week hit, and after another successful class at the gym I fancied doing something that evening so text a friend to see if he fancied a drink. We went to a place in Castlefield called The Wharf, it was kind of countrified in style but clearly done recently. There weren't many people in there but it was busy enough not to feel unwanted! We got a spot by the fire which was good, as it was freezing - even the canal was frozen over. I drove so it wasn't too late a night, just nice to escape the house for a while.

On Thursday I got into gym gear and then was told upon arrival that Aum's school was closed as there was a burst pipe. We didn't do much as I hadn't expected to have him all day so hadn't planned anything, but we watched Despicable Me, played on the Wii, and then I took him to my house so I could change out of my gym stuff as I was going out straight from work. I went to see Les Mis with a few friends (see previous post) which was good; luckily we had booked seats as the performance was sold out.

On Friday the school was closed again, but this time we knew in advance so had time to sort something out to do for the day! A few of the other parents were taking their children to Ants in your Pants, a kids play area, and we got an invite so went along at 10am. Aum's whole class were pretty much there, so we stayed for ages, and got some food there too. Afterwards we went to Toys R Us as he had some money to spend, and then once we got home we did a bit of work before his dad got home from work. I didn't do anything that evening, although my parents had friends round for tapas, so I sat with them for most of the evening which was a laugh.

On Saturday I redyed my hair purple, this time at the roots which looks pretty cool, then Mum and I went into Manchester to go shopping. The lack of money meant buying anything was pretty difficult, but I did get a pair of black studded shoes and a new bra, so didn't do too badly on a budget! In the evening I went out with Emily to Revolucion de Cuba, a new rum bar on Peter Street in town. Though we went out as a pair, we knew a group of people out as well so met up with them, and I had a really good night. I went to Benn's afterwards as all the guys I went to Benicassim with were up for the weekend as it was Mike's birthday, so ended up doing the usual drinking-until-6am malarkey!

Due to this, today I've been pretty knackered, I got home at half twelve and promptly went back to bed until 3pm. I attempted to write an article but gave up, then had a really nice chicken roast dinner and went out for drinks in Altrincham with a friend. So all in all, a successful week!

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