Monday 6 May 2013

Traveller's Tales...

Leamington Spa (Part 1)

The lack of blog posts for last week is due to a little jaunt over the bank holiday weekend to Leamington Spa with Mo to visit some of his friends, mostly from university. We set off at midday on Saturday and managed to get to his friend Khumbu's house where we were staying within two hours, not bad considering the traffic was stood still on the opposite side of the motorway!

We were some of the first to arrive, but once everyone was there, we walked into town to a park where you could hire boats, and got a couple of rowing boats and a canoe. It was a lovely day and we all had a laugh messing around on the water; I was in a rower with a guy called Mike and a girl called Lucy and we each took it in turns to row, I was pretty impressed with our speed and technique compared to the other boat, which had a great relationship with the bank and bushes!

After we had got back to the 'dock' we walked home and then drove to a really gorgeous pub called The Red Lion in a place called Hunningham. Inside it had comics all over the walls which was cool and the food was delicious. I had pigs cheek in barbecue sauce with spinach and mash for main course, which I had never tried before but it was tasty, the meat was quite stringy and strong tasting and really complimented the sticky sweet sauce. I got a glass of Pimms to drink to suit the hot day, and followed my main with a white chocolate, almond and amaretti cheesecake. I am not normally a huge fan of cheesecake as they can be quite sickly, but this one seemed to have a more mousse-like consistency on the top, and the base being amaretti biscuits gave it a bit more crunch rather than soggy digestive.

We sat outside in the sunshine once we had finished eating, before moving on to a beer festival in a village called Long Itchington which was very pretty, with a village green and a pond with ducks on. Because it was getting on for 7pm when we arrived though, there were a lot of drunken people stumbling around (it started at midday), and a few of the ales had run out, so we didn't stay too long before heading back to Khumbu's to carry on drinking for free!

The girls got ready and then joined the boys downstairs playing drinking games, which is always fun in a new crowd. We got taxis out at half eleven and had a couple in a bar called The Clarendon before ending the night in a club called The Assembly which played some really good music and was pretty packed. We got taxis home and eventually got to sleep at around 5am, good first night!

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