Wednesday 29 May 2013

Traveller's Tales...


On Sunday, I drove to Hull with Mo to go and see Lydia. We had a pretty easy run and arrived at around 7pm. She made us a spaghetti carbonara for tea which was really nice, and then we got ready for a night out. We had people round to predrink and then walked to a bar called Tofts Lane Bar & Grill on Newland Avenue where we had one before moving on. It was pretty chavvy and mega sweaty so was glad to go somewhere else!

Next we had some cocktails at a bar called Zest. I had a Cucumber Collins, which took them forever to make but was really tasty, Hendricks and cucumber = yum! We stayed until about 1am and intended going to a Scream bar called The Piper, but unfortunately they weren't letting people in any more so we went home. Mo and I were pretty tired to be fair, so I was glad of a not so late night.

In the morning we slept in and then had a cooked breakfast in the garden as the weather was beaut. Afterwards we went to Pearson park and chilled out in the sunshine for a couple of hours. I had a cider lolly which took me back to primary school days! We drove to the train station to drop Mo off as he was back at work the following day, and then Lydia and I went for a wander around the shops and had a Starbucks.

We went home, had some amazing brownies and mooched around for a while before driving to Pizza Express in Beverley for some tea. We shared some dough balls and then I had a Superfood Salad that was really tasty - it had squash, beetroot, lentils, pine nuts, chicken and salad leaves with a balsamic dressing, and was not only really filling but had less than 400 calories! We went back home and went to bed after watching Made In Chelsea, really tired!

The following day Lydia had her knee operation, so I took her into hospital and then went shopping for a while before driving to see my grandparents who live nearby. I had a roast dinner (including homemade cheesecake!) and looked through some old photos with my little cousins who were staying there. Then I drove back to collect Lydia, who apart from being a little woozy from the anaesthetic was very well, and then dropped her back at home before driving back to Manchester and staying at Mo's. Last day off today!

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