Sunday 12 May 2013

Weekly Update!

Font, Haircuts & Bike Rides!

This week I've not done a great deal, Monday was spent still in Leamington (see previous post) and then in the evening I stayed at Mo's and we watched Game Of Thrones. Tuesday was spent writing an advertorial for the practise that the family I work for own, to go in Cheshire Life which is quite exciting, and great coverage for me. In the evening I went for a swim whilst Aum had his lesson and then we ate at the country club. I had salt and pepper squid with chunky chips as I was craving some comfort food, and I was pretty impressed that the squid was actual tentacles rather than just calamari rings, which I find can sometimes taste a little processed.

On Wednesday after I had dropped Aum off I went into Manchester as Claire, my uni friend that lives in Paris, came to visit for the day whilst on a trip to England. We went around a few shops, though all I bought were some neon earrings and a hair doughnut, and then met up with Mo and had some lunch at Font Bar on Oxford Road. I have mentioned it before, but I love the place, as it is really chilled out, does quality food at good prices (my meal was only £6), and has a friendly student vibe to it. It does get really busy on a weekend though, probably due to the riduculously cheap cocktails! 

I had a Philly Steak sandwich with mushrooms and blue cheese served with fries and salad, Mo had a standard burger, and Claire got a burrito that was huge! I also indulged in one of my favourite cocktails, a Bramble, which is gin with lemon juice and blackberry liquor, a bargain at just £2. Afterwards we hit a few of the more expensive shops in a quest for a dress for me for Laura's wedding, though it was unsuccessful, and I drove back at 2.30pm to collect Aum from school.

On Thursday I finally got around to having my hair cut, which now seems really short, but at least it is healthy and my layers are a bit more under control. I also paid a deposit for the tattoo I am planning on getting, and they booked me in for June 21st, all very exciting! I cycled to and from the gym and did a run whilst there, the bike was an experience to say the least, as it is probably the first time I have properly ridden one on a road by myself ever! It was fine though, and built up my confidence for my triathlon on Sunday - good job really. I stayed at Mo's in the evening as mum had all her friends round for coffee and I didn't fancy getting in the way.

Friday was a fairly standard day, although I sacked off the gym which was a little naughty, but I made up for it by going on a bike ride with Mum yesterday. We did around the airport and stopped off to see my flat, which is actually beginning to look like a liveable home, if you ignore the rubble and scaffolding. Saturday evening I couldn't go out due to an early start today (7.30am!), so while Mo went out with his mates in the Northern Quarter, Emily came round for tea, and we watched rubbish Saturday television and had a McFlurry. Could be worse I suppose!

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