Sunday 26 May 2013

Weekly Update!

The Waterside, The Belmore, Taps & The Old Ball - Pubs Galore!

This post may seem incomplete, as with this weekend being a bank holiday (and for me a 5 day weekend), I am technically only halfway through it. The rest I will do a post of on Wednesday when I return from my jaunt to Leeds and Hull.

On Monday I met up with Tasha and we went for a drink and cake at Gastronomy in Hale. I had a latte and a millionaire's flapjack which was really tasty, and a nice variation on the traditional shortbread base. The stodginess of the oats really complimented the gooey caramel and smooth layer of chocolate. In the evening I finished an article I had for Candid (see previous post) and sent it off ready for publication.

On Tuesday I ate at the Country Club, this time opting for the Club Roll sushi, which had tuna California rolls, with a centrepiece of prawns, cod and squid in a tangy miso sauce. The dish was amazing as usual, although I didn't rate the sauce as it had an unusual strong taste rather like horseradish, which I can only assume was a type of wasabi. Luckily it was only drizzled over the middle bits of fish, so didn't engulf the whole dish. After work I met up with Rick A for some drinks at the Waterside in Sale. I haven't been in there for literally years (in fact I think I was underage the last time I went in!!) and it was a pretty nice venue - chilled out atmosphere with good value drinks and plenty of comfy seats for a relaxed vibe. I was driving so had a couple of spritzers, but still stayed out until gone 11pm, so I was knackered when I climbed into bed!

Wednesday and Thursday were quiet, although I babysat for one of Aum's friends on Thursday which was a nice change, and wrote another article for Candid (see previous post). On Friday I finished a little early as the Khuranas were going on holiday so I picked Aum up at 2pm and once I had dropped him at home I could finish. I went to pick up my final cut dress for Laura's wedding (yay!) and then went to the gym before Mo came round for the evening. We had some lovely ribs and homemade chips for tea, and then wandered to The Belmore pub on Brooklands Road for a few drinks.

On Saturday I got to choose my kitchen and bathroom tiles for the new flat which is exciting, and then I travelled with Mo to Leeds for a night out with Jas and her mates. We went to a pub called Taps for some cheap and cheerful food for dinner (I had chicken and ham pie with chips, good ol' favourite) and then we went to the closing party of Evolution which was actually pretty good, and nice and cheap!

Today Mo and I met up with my cousins for some lunch at The Old Ball in Horsforth, which has recently been done up and is pretty nice. It is now a pizza kitchen, so I had barbecue chicken and bacon pizza while Mo got the meat medley, which had every type of meat (even meatballs!) on it. We stayed outside in the sun chatting until 4pm, and are now just about to set off for Hull to see Lydia - roadtrip weekend!

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