Saturday 4 May 2013

Weekly Update!

Mortgages, Krispy Kremes & Catchups!

This post doesn't really contain much because the majority of exciting things will probably occur this weekend on my trip to Leamington to meet all Mo's uni mates (see next two posts). However, on Monday I had a meeting with the financial advisor, who is sorting everything to do with my mortgage ready for my flat, exciting stuff! Everything went well, so it is just a case of waiting to hear that everything is approved before moving forward.

On Tuesday I did a run during the day, and then went for a swim whilst Aum had his lesson; then we ate at the country club. I had Tom Yam soup (which was really spicy, and had lots of coriander in, so I wasn't a huge fan) but it did have huge pieces of squid in, so I just picked that out to eat. I also accompanied it with one of the specials - swordfish with crab and avocado, which definitely made up for the slightly disliked soup, as it was amazing!

The following day I went into town originally for lunch with Mo, but a meeting he had overran, so we went for a coffee and Krispy Kreme instead, not complaining! I went shopping for a bit afterwards and got Claire a birthday present for when I am seeing her next week. In the evening I dyed my hair purple again for the first time in about two months, was a welcome change.

On Thursday I did a 7.7km run, which is the longest I have done for a long time! I rewarded myself with a tasty mushroom omelette when I got home. In the evening I was babysitting, so as we weren't in a rush to get home I took Aum for cake and a drink at Cafe Gourmand after school. I had a Bakewell tart and pot of tea, but the cake was a bit dry and didn't have enough jam in for my liking, whilst Aum stayed safe with his usual gingerbread man and apple juice, which you can't really go wrong with! Mo came round in the evening once Aum was in bed to keep me company which was nice, and I finished by half ten yet still got £30, not bad.

On Friday Mum and Dad went to Bilbao for the weekend for their wedding anniversary, so I had the house to myself (although I was away most of the weekend anyway!). I got my nails done and eyebrows dyed after work and then went into Hale for drinks with the girls in the evening - Abi and Lydia were back from London/ uni for the weekend so it was lovely to catch up and all get together. We started in Hale Bar and Grill and then went to Piccolino's. We were sharing wine, and I had four glasses - I actually felt a little more drunk than I realised!  

This morning I've been up since 9.30am to finish packing (I'm grateful I made sure to drink tea and eat crumpets before going to bed last night!) and I'm driving to Leamington with Mo at quarter to twelve for a weekend away (see previous post).

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