Sunday 8 September 2013

Weekly Update!

Candied Bacon, Cheap Vodka & A Film Fest

This week was my first back at work, but it was made easier by the fact that school started again on Tuesday, so I got my days back! That evening Aum and I went for our usual Hale Country Club meal, where I had one of the new specials of black dragon maki roll with tempura soft shell crab, eel, avocado and wasabi mayonnaise which was to die for!

On Wednesday I managed to drag myself back into the gym, and after a cheeky visit to the Cake Galley with Aum, I babysat. It was only until 10pm though, so was a fairly easy haul. On Thursday Mo had a half day off work to take his motorbike theory test, so I met him for some lunch in the Northern Quarter in Manchester. We went to SoLIta Bar and Grill, which was very swanky inside, all velvet seats and red lighting, and fitted with the trendy vibe of NQ perfectly.

We both decided to have burgers, myself opting for the bacon double cheese, which had a shard of candied bacon to hold the brioche bun and contents together. The burger was the real deal, cooked magnificently, no Iceland quarter pounders here! Mo got the Catalan, which had chorizo, Mexican manchego cheese, roasted peppers and a tomato allioli, and both were served with gorgeous chips that were half peeled to maintain a slight crunch. The staff were happy to oblige in making a Thousand Island sauce when Mo requested and they didn't have one, which I thought was sterling customer service, and the whole bill with a tip was £28, not bad at all for the awesome food we had. I'd recommend it to anyone wandering through Manchester on an empty stomach!

On Friday my grandparents came for the weekend, and after lunch with them at home, I had the phone call I have been eagerly anticipating - confirming the exchange on my new flat! It put me in a great mood for the rest of the day, and even rushing to catch a tram after work laden with four bags in the pouring rain didn't dampen my spirits. I met Mo in the city centre, and we drove to Sheffield for a night out with his uni friends. We went to Leadmill, which was really good, Smirnoff and mixers were only £2, and they had two rooms playing different music, so there was something to suit us all.

On Saturday we went for a much needed hangover cure carvery, which was only £3.69 - you have to love being in a student area! Then we spent the afternoon wandering around the Derwent Dam, before people left in the early evening for home. We got back at around 7pm, made toad in the hole and had an early night, proper ravers us! Today we watched The Great Gatsby, had a lovely pork roast dinner with the family and are just about to make a start on Kick Ass 2. A wonderfully rounded weekend!

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