Monday 2 September 2013

Travellers' Tales...

Marbella (Part 1)

Last week, I went on holiday to Marbella for 6 days, with two of my best friends, Emily and Abi. We flew super early on Sunday 25th August, which despite being a pain meant we got practically a full day there when we arrived. We stayed in a gorgeous apartment at a golf club called Los Aqueros, which meant we had to get a coach from the airport to Marbella station, then a taxi to the complex. We got there just after 2pm, so once we had dumped our bags, headed straight to the clubhouse for some late lunch.

Abi and I had pumpkin soup with bacon in which was really tasty, whilst Emily got a huge tuna salad. Afterwards we got our bikinis on and headed to the pool to soak up the sun. With our early morning we were all pretty tired, so in the evening we just ate at the clubhouse again, Em and I shared a lasagne and chips, whilst Abi just got ice cream - well we are on holiday! We had a bottle of wine, and then went to bed fairly early to get up and do a big supermarket shop the following morning.

We spent 44 euros between us, which I didn't think was too bad for a full shop for us all, considering we planned to eat in for breakfast and lunch, and a couple of evening meals. We spent the rest of the day by the pool, and then after some pasta for dinner got ready for a night out in Puerto Banus, where everyone parties in Marbella!

There are promoters everywhere there, so we were soon grabbed and offered a free drink in a bar called Seven, which was Moroccan themed inside, with low seating, glass lamps and shisha pipes. The drink we had was pretty disgusting though, very sweet and didn't taste very alcoholic! So we moved on quickly.

We went to Lineker's for one next, and managed to get a shot and two drinks each for 7 euro, so not too bad. The music was good and it was busy in there, so we stayed for a while until we wanted to go somewhere different. The bar next door gave us another sickly sweet cocktail, though we got chatting to some older guys in there who bought us a few drinks, and then paid for us to get into a club called Funky Buddha, so it was worth it! We danced for a while, and ended up home at 6am all in separate taxis, and Emily and I had to go on a wild goose chase for apartment keys when Abi wasn't home yet!

The next day we were all horrendously hungover, to the extent that we all slept until 6pm! We managed to collect ourselves to get some food at the clubhouse at 8pm (though this time no booze...) and all shared a mixed paella that was really nice, and even had enough for a doggy bag to take home! 

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