Sunday 29 September 2013

Weekly Update!

Photoshoots, Peplums and Parties!

This week started with me stuck in the house for two days as Aum was ill and off school. It gave me a nice break from the gym though, and in the time I wrote an article for Candid (see previous article) and Abi came round on Tuesday armed with Starbucks which was lovely! I also went round to Rick's on Monday for a catchup and a cuppa which was long awaited, we always seem to end up cancelling meet ups!

On Wednesday my mum and dad were home from their holiday so we got an Indian takeaway and then I dyed my hair (see previous post) and went round to Mo's. During the day on Thursday I had my nails done and then went with Abi to Dunham Massey to take some photos for her blog which was really fun, and in the evening we got some drinks with Tasha at Hale Bar and Grill. I also indulged slightly with some of their chunky chips - so good!

On Friday after work Mum and I went to the Trafford Centre to look at house stuff, and then Mo met me afterwards and we went around a few clothes shops. I bought a really cool green and black felt clock for my living room, and a new winter coat from Zara that is black with silver zips and fitted with a slight peplum. I've needed a neutral coat for ages as all of mine are a bit extravagantly coloured or patterned! We ate a roasted vegetable tart for tea once we got home that Mum had made with rosemary and thyme pastry, delicious.

On Saturday at around midday Mo and I set off for a friend's housewarming in Coalville near Leicester. We were the first to arrive at half two, so chilled out until a few more people arrived before getting on the booze. It was really fun, there were jelly shots, beer pong, various games and tasty food courtesy of our hosts, and it was cool to mingle with some new people.

Today I was ridiculously hungover due to the amount of alcohol I had managed to consume, so it was a horrible journey home! Once we were back we went to look at my new flat, which is slowly but surely coming along (see next post) and then had chilli for tea made with strips of beef which has sorted my hangover right out!

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