Sunday 22 September 2013

Weekly Update!

Early Starts and Binging Weekends!

This week started with me seeing the new flat that Mo has moved into, which was exciting. It's in Rusholme and is small but ideal for what he needs and in a pretty good location, takes me twenty minutes to work so nowhere near as bad as I expected. On Tuesday I went to Hale Country Club for dinner, where I had another amazing dish - slow cooked veal's cheek with Jerusalem artichoke purée and sticky mushrooms. The veal was quite dark and flaked apart almost like duck, and had a strong Chinese style taste to it, which worked really well with the creamy artichoke purée and sweet mushrooms. After I had finished work I went to The American Bar with Tasha and Abi for a drink, but we were all quite tired so were home by 9.30pm!

On Wednesday I had to get up at 3.30am to take my parents to the airport, though obviously I went back to bed afterwards. I babysat that evening and then Mo came round, and Thursday was a quiet one too. On Friday I met Abi at The Cake Gallery and had a toffee latte with a chocolate orange cupcake which had glitter on and tasted rich and delicious, and then I collected Aum from school early to drive him to see his grandparents in Pontefract. I was really tired after driving there and back so though Mo came round we stayed in and I made a Shepherd's pie and we went to bed pretty early, super exciting Friday night!

On Saturday I met Claire in Chester for afternoon tea and in the evening I went to see The 1975 with Emily (see previous posts). Today has been spent driving my sister back to university in Leeds, though I took Mo and we stopped off at Ikea on the way home to have a look around and indulge in some meatballs and Daim cake. As if that with a McDonald's for brunch wasn't enough, we then also got a takeaway pizza from Rusholme to share for tea, proper fat Sunday!

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