Sunday 6 October 2013

Weekly Update!

Yoga, Liam Frost & Glasto Tickets!

I started this week nice and relaxed with a yoga and meditation class at the gym. I tried a hot yoga class there a while ago but really didn't enjoy it (I get hot enough as it is doing yoga!) so thought I would try another form, and this one suited me much better. I am going to try each of the different forms - I have Hatha and Core Balance yet to try - to see which I prefer best.

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent babysitting, although I ate at the Country Club as usual on Tuesday, this time opting for a Thai Red prawn and pumpkin curry, with green beans and cashew nuts whilst Aum had duck filled cucumber in a spicy oriental sauce. Mine was pretty hot, but tasty nonetheless, and the pumpkin added a different texture to the dish so it was more than just a standard red curry.

On Thursday I drove to Pontefract and back to drop Aum at his grandparents for the weekend, I was so tired when I got home! I had a good hearty tea of sausage and mash, and then stayed at Mo's in the evening. Friday was a bonus day off, but unfortunately I still had to get up at 8am to avoid getting a ticket outside Mo's. I went home for a while, and then drove to Loaded Forty Four tattoo parlour in Swinton to get the colour on my tattoo redone. It looks so much better now, happy frog again! 

In the evening I went out in Manchester with Lydia, who is finally back from Africa. We had a few predrinks and then went to see Liam Frost perform at the Deaf Institute, he was flipping brilliant! It was such a small, intimate venue, and his voice was just sublime live, it was pretty emotional! He played a few covers as well as his own stuff, and had a great rapport with the audience; it was the perfect welcome home for Lydia. Afterwards we met up with a few others in the Northern Quarter, starting in TV21 and then moving onto Bluu for a couple more. The night ended with cheesy chips and giggles (and a much appreciated lift back to his from Mo).

On Saturday we started with a big fry up, and then I went home with Mo to have a play around on his new motorbike. It was pretty scary just sitting on it, let alone when he trusted me to drive it (albeit very slowly!) up the road. I'm excited for him to pass his test, I can totally understand his impatience at not being able to ride it now I have seen how awesome it is. In the evening I went round to Em and Smeed's to make sushi (see previous post).

Today started early to buy Glastonbury tickets, which despite having three of us on the case with various mediums, we failed to achieve, which was very frustrating. This afternoon we all met up in Costa to console each other, and have a natter over tea. Mo and I have just finished dinner, so we are now going to chill out and watch a film before crashing - 8am is way too early to start a Sunday!

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