Sunday 6 October 2013

Homemade Recipes!

Homemade Sushi!

Last night Abi and I went round to Emily and Smeed's house to put into action a night that we planned whilst in Marbella together - sushi and fizz! Em very kindly went shopping for the ingredients; king prawns, tuna, smoked salmon, cucumber, pepper, sugar snap peas, ginger, cream cheese, sushi rice, nori, wasabi paste and soy sauce, and it only came to £6 each with 2 bottles of sparkling wine - bargain! 

We had borrowed a mat from our friend Ellie, and each took it in turns to make a roll. Emily went first, placing the nori shiny side down and spreading the sushi rice over, leaving a slight gap at the edges. The rice is quite stodgy so it was easier using two spoons to spread it, as it often stuck together. She chose to use prawns with cucumber and cream cheese, then Abi went next with salmon and orange pepper, then I made a couple, one with tuna and sugar snap peas, and one with the remainder of everything!!

We learnt as we went along that you had to put quite a lot of fish into the middle for it to amount to much when cut into pieces, and it looked more appetising with more in as it showed off the colours once rolled. We tried and tested a few different rolling techniques, but found the best to be putting the mat over rather than tucking it in, and squashing the roll down, then removing the mat to roll the nori further before squashing again and repeating until finished. Some came out quite thick, but overall I was really impressed at our efforts, considering we were all sushi virgins, and we made loads to eat!

We had already been drinking the wine whilst making the food, but enjoyed the rest whilst eating, accompanied with a noodle, soy and vegetable salad that Emily had made. I will definitely be trying making sushi again at home, as it was quick, easy and looked like it took a lot of effort, perfect when trying to impress people... may do some for my flatwarming!

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