Sunday 27 October 2013

Weekly Update!

Pancakes, Strolls & Halloween!

I did yoga again on Monday - the Yoga & Meditation variation I have tried before, but this time with the usual teacher. I didn't like it as much as Hatha, as I felt the instructor was quite nonchalant with regards to if we were doing the positions correctly, and she also didn't really explain things very clearly; there were a number of times I got quite frustrated during the class, which sort of defeats the purpose. Afterwards I bashed out a quick article and then met Tasha and Abi for lunch in Cafe Gourmand, where I had a big emmental and ham panini with chips - I was feeling indulgent!

Nothing eventful happened on Tuesday, and Wednesday I wrote another article (see next post) and babysat in the evening, as well as Thursday evening. Luckily the pretty boring week was uplifted with a nice weekend! On Friday I made myself some pretty near perfect pancakes for breakfast, and then did a Body Combat class. Mo eventually managed to pass his bike test, so I saw him briefly in the evening before eating at Mudcrab with people (see previous post) and staying at his, followed by more pancakes for breakfast the next day, this time at Varsity with raspberries and fresh yoghurt. 

Once home again, I met up with Lydia, and we went for a walk around Dunham Massey and a good old chat. We stopped at The Swan With Two Nicks for a dessert and some cider - I went for an amazingly rich sticky toffee pudding with extra sauce and gorgeous smooth Cheshire ice cream - and then Mo came round on his bike for the first time which was quite exciting!

That evening I went to a fancy dress Halloween party. I attempted to go as Morticia Addams, complete with black straight hair, long flowing dress and gothic makeup; but despite buying two black hairspray cans it didn't quite cover all the red, and went everywhere, and I overdid the white face paint, so it was a bit of a disaster! I soon forgot about it once I arrived though, and had a really fun night. It was a shame that we weren't allowed into Dogbowl even though we had booked and paid, as they have a 'no fancy dress' policy which is a bit of a joke. We all just went to Poptastic instead, which is much cheaper so fine by me!

Today after an early start to take Mo to his motorbike meet (7am!!), I slept again, lounged around, went shopping for a bit with mum and then got a Chinese and am currently eating it at Mo's. Nice bit of everything to keep me entertained!

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