Sunday 20 October 2013

Weekly Update!

Hatha, Street Fighter & Cheese! 

Monday saw my second trial of one of the yoga disciplines at Hale Country Club - this time Hatha. In a few classes I have attended, a great number of other people are pretty advanced, and at times I have felt snubbed for not being able to do more complicated positions. Fair enough, I appreciate that I am young and therefore relatively flexible, but after regularly attending yoga a couple of times a week for a year (which was mainly full of old women!), I have since had a year off, and concentrated on more weight and cardio based classes, so don't feel ready to attempt some of the advanced techniques just yet. 

Hopefully due to my history of yoga I will get back to the level I was practising at quickly, but I don't think anyone deserves to feel inadequate in any fitness class. However, I really enjoyed the Hatha class, as the teacher was relaxed and friendly, explaining things clearly and emphasising the importance of knowing your limits and not pushing them too hard, which is something I find a lot of other teachers fail to do. She gave alternatives to some of the harder positions, and her class had a good flow and structure, ending in a very pleasant relaxation session.

Tuesday was Mo's birthday so we went for a meal (see previous post), and on Wednesday I went for lunch with Abi at Gastronomy. I had Cheshire Rarebit with chutney and salad, which was just the indulgence I needed after missing breakfast; and the evening was spent baking Mo a belated birthday cake, a chocolate sponge. I then decorated it during the day on Thursday to look like a Street Fighter Fightstick, which I was pretty proud of, considering I had my doubts! That evening we went to see Subfocus at the Ritz in Manchester (see next week's post).

On Friday I took a day off the gym and got a McDonald's for lunch, all or nothing! I tried the new Mississippi Mud Pie McFlurry there, which is possibly my favourite flavour so far (and I am a complete McFlurry connoisseur!). In the evening the naughtiness continued as Abi and I shared a bottle of cava and had a full cheeseboard to ourselves, complete with brie, mozzarella, cheddar, Pie d'Angloys camembert, crackers and chutney! We watched 50/50 and Seven Psychopaths, which were both decent films that were a bit more interesting than sticking a chick flick on.

Yesterday was a completely lazy day for me, I had a lie in, watched TV all day, then dyed my hair bright red! It came out exactly how I remember it, and I'm so chuffed I'm finally the colour I wanted. In the evening I went out for MC's birthday with loads of people, including a couple of Mo's friends from Portsmouth, and my mate Amanda from university who I invited out with us. We went to Venue, which was fun as usual, I never seem to have many memories from that place due to its insanely cheap double vodkas!

Today I have been a bit of a zombie all day, so much so that I didn't even feel embarrassed wearing Mo's clothes and his friend's shoes to go for food in Rusholme due to only having my dress and heels from the previous night. It was worth it for the tasty lamb shawarma I got though!

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