Sunday 11 May 2014

Weekly Update!

Sushi, Insanity & Shopping!

This week had a bonus Monday off for the bank holiday - most of which was spent hungover at Mo's after a night out on Sunday! He went out on the bike so I let myself out at about 3pm and went round to Mum's for tea - she made tagliatelle from scratch with bacon, creme fraiche, mushrooms, peas and broccoli; I've never had homemade pasta before, but she said it was really easy to make so will be doing it more often, ideal!

On Tuesday I ate at the country club, and had duck and mushroom katsu sushi rolls. I am getting to the stage where I have had most things off the menu, but this was one I hadn't yet tried. It was full of flavour as per usual, and the breadcrumbed outer roll made it a bit different from normal sushi. I babysat on Wednesday, and on Thursday I tried a new class (by accident) - Insanity. It was very difficult, and we were only given half the time! I always like a new challenge though, so maybe I will pluck up the courage to do a full hour next time. That evening and Friday night I just stayed in and chilled out with Mo, and then Saturday I went shopping in Stockport with Mum and Jasmine who was back for the weekend.

I didn't buy a lot, just a few holiday bits from Primark, and some orange hair dye to experiment with next week. That evening I went out for a meal at La Piazza with Em, Smeed, Tasha, Abi and Dave (see previous post), and then drove to a birthday house party at Mo's friend Rosie's flat in Stretford, where I was glad to finally get onto the wine!

Today I lounged around at Mo's (he made us both a gorgeous full cooked breakfast) then I went to Mum's for a catch up and we wandered around Matalan where I found a few bits for birthday presents. I have just made some blueberry muffins to eat when Mo comes round in a bit. A good fun packed week!

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