Thursday 29 May 2014

Travellers' Tales...

Albufeira, Portugal (Part 2)

On the Sunday we decided to explore and find the beach. After a bit of a detour we got there and grabbed a prime spot near the sea and beach bar. The weather was lovely, we ventured into the sea a few times but it was freezing! We had lunch at one of the bars ; I had a chicken and bacon 'wrap' that was actually a pancake, but it was nice all the same. 

In the afternoon I got a bit too hot so went for a walk by myself and stopped for an ice cream in the shade. We headed back to the apartment at about 6pm and then went to get some food for tea from the supermarket. We had piri-piri chicken with boiled potatoes and salad accompanied with prosecco to get the night started.

We didn't go out until late, and walked to the strip this time, starting in a lively bar straight away - we got awesome deals on the spirits and lots of free shots, we all got very drunk and got home at 4am! The next day I was hugely hungover but wanted to make the most of my last full day in the sun. We went down to the pool and sunbathed all day, although I started feeling like I was constantly burning which was annoying, so had to be careful and take lots of breaks in the shade.

That evening was a bit chilly; I hadn't taken any jackets so was pretty cold, but luckily the restaurant we went to (again in the Old Town) had heaters - much needed as it was outside and on the seafront so had a full breeze. We shared some houmous and crudites for a starter, and then I had pan fried duck with vegetables and dauphinoise potatoes. It was delicious, but the price reflected the quality as it was 18 euro - good job our wines were on the house! I had an almond tart for dessert, but it was quite hard to eat with cutlery so I resorted to using my hands!

We were all still knackered from the previous night so went home straight afterwards and I packed most of my things so I could enjoy what was left of the following day before leaving. I was picked up for my flight at 1pm, so had a couple of hours by the pool early morning before showering and saying goodbye to the girls who had an extra day left.

My flight home was smooth and I had a nice evening when I returned; I went to The Flying Horse with my parents and Grandpa for dinner before Mo came round. It hit me that I was back at work the next day at about 9pm, but at least I had a great six day break from the daily grind!

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