Sunday 22 June 2014

Weekly Update!

Holidays, Cake & Curry!

This week has been spent (amongst other things) perusing for another holiday! My friend Laura and I decided we'd go away somewhere as I have two weeks off in August that I may as well make the most of, saving money can wait! We have decided upon a week in Zadar, a coastal university town in Croatia, as it has cheap flights, cheap beer, sunshine and good nightlife - the perfect combination. We got together today for a pint of Strongbow (hare of the dog for me!) and a lovely bargain curry at my local pub, The Flying Horse, to catch up and book everything. It made dropping my parents off at the airport today for two weeks in Crete that much more bearable knowing it will be my turn soon!

Earlier in the week, I went to Strada for a meal for my dad's birthday (see previous post) and on Tuesday sampled something off the new menu at the Country Club - crispy panko halloumi (breaded sticks) with a red onion and ponzu dressing with a side of green vegetables. Aum and I went round to my parents afterwards for some birthday carrot cake, and once I had dropped Aum home I went back to mine as Mo was coming round. Unfortunately, he crashed his bike on the way, so although unhurt, was in a bit of a shaken state and I had to go and collect him as his bike was a mess, such a shame - he has no luck with it!

On Wednesday I went for a coffee and cake in Didsbury with Laura (where the planning began...) I opted for a gluten free chocolate cake, which was actually pretty nice, if a little stodgy. On Thursday I made a chicken and mushroom casserole and Lydia came round for dinner which was lovely, and then I stayed at Mo's after she had gone. On Friday after a gruelling Armageddon workout (don't ask!) Tasha, Abi and I met up for lunch at the Country Club where I had a halloumi, rocket and houmous ciabatta with chunky chips, which was nice but had a little too much houmous for my liking. That evening I stayed at Mo's and we chilled out as he was off to Dorset early in the morning.

Yesterday I went to John Lewis with Jasmine and Mum during the day, we had a shop around and then stopped for cake (we had toffee apple pie, chocolate cake and carrot cake to share) and then in the evening I went out in Hale with Tasha - what started as a few glasses of prosecco in Hogans soon escalated into a night in Suburbia with shots and dancing! It was a lot of fun though, and I feel surprisingly OK today - the curry has perked me up!

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