Friday 6 June 2014

Weekly Update!

School Holidays and Parklife Prep!

This post is being done today due to impending Parklife Weekender Festival which I will tell you all about next week! This week has been another busy one - looking after Aum (and friends!) full time is exhausting! Monday was spent at the Trafford Centre again, this time at Laser Quest so I got a bit of time to shop whilst they took part. We ate at Pizza Express this time, where I had the superfood salad with chicken, which I never get bored of, I think I have had it three times now!

On Tuesday we were supposed to be going to Legoland, but Aum hurt his shoulder during Laserquest so we decided to have a restful day until the afternoon, when he had a tennis lesson. I made red velvet pancakes for breakfast (out of a packet), they tasted good, but I think i prefer normal ones to be honest. I took the hour whilst Aum was at tennis to go to The Cake Gallery for a slice of chocolate cake and a salted caramel hot chocolate, was a good break if a little sickly! The following day we went to Cafe Gourmand for lunch, where I had a salmon and prawn salad that was nice and summery and then we had a wander around Altrincham.

Thursday was a lovely sunny day so we decided to go to Tatton Farm. It's a lovely little place, and had horses, cows, sheep and some tiny piglets that were very cute. Aum seemed more bothered about the outdoor play area though! 

Today we got chance to go to Legoland, taking his friend Joshua with us. We just ate at the little cafe inside, and I sat around while they went in the play area and modelling section for a few hours before dropping Josh home. After work I had my nails done (mint green with glitter for Parklife!) and then went round to my parents house for dinner, we had a big selection of Chinese startery type things and then duck with pancakes. One of Jasmine's friends from university was there for the weekend for Parklife, so we had some wine and a catchup before I left to come to Mo's until he arrives back from a night out... could be a while!

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