Sunday 29 June 2014

Weekly Update!

Chilling & Good Food

This week has been a much needed quiet one after a hectic few weeks, and more to come. On Monday I went with Mo to A&E to get his leg looked at - thankfully nothing broken, just bad muscle damage so movement is difficult and recovery will be a long process. On Tuesday I had a day to myself at the flat - for the first time in over a month I worked out! I made a bacon, cheese and mushroom tart (for once we didn't eat the Country Club) and chilled out with a glass of wine.

Wednesday and Thursday passed by unnoticed, although Jasmine found out she got a 1st in her degree on Thursday which was fantastic news. On Friday I went into Manchester for a meal for Emily's birthday (see previous post) and then I went to my parents where my sister was having a house party to celebrate her results - which was rather messy and didn't end until 5am! As a consequence, I was horrifically hungover yesterday, I haven't felt so awful in a long time, so slept until 5pm and then went to Mo's where we had lasagne and garlic bread which made me feel much better.

Today I slept in for a while, and then drove home and got ready for a day of shopping in Manchester with Jasmine. We stopped for a late lunch at Home Sweet Home (see previous post) and I bought a few things for my holiday, a couple of little tank tops and a pair of shorts. I am now at Mo's where we have got a takeaway pizza to see off a lazy week; mushroom, sweetcorn, prawns and olives on a margarita - delicious!

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