Sunday 1 June 2014

Weekly Update!

Tampopo, Ikea & Nights In!

After my relaxing break in Portugal, it was straight back to work on Wednesday, and I've had Aum full time as it's the school holidays, so it has been pretty full on. On Wednesday I took him and a friend to the Trafford Centre to play crazy golf. We ate at Tampopo (their suggestion!) where I had Char Kway Teow which is noodles with squid, clams, prawn and pork in a chilli, garlic and soy sauce. It was really tasty and very filling, I actually couldn't finish it, not like me! That evening I stayed at Mo's and then the following day was a fairly lazy one at work, we went to my flat to do some maths work, did a Tesco shop and practised piano. That evening I went to see AWOLNATION in Manchester with Lydia (see next week's post) and we went for a few drinks as I found out I wasn't needed in work until 9.30am the following day - bonus!

Friday was another uneventful one, Anjali came home at 3pm so I finished early and went back to mine to write two articles. Mo came round but later on so we just stayed in and watched some TV. Yesterday I went to Ikea with Mum, and finally bought the baskets to go in my bedside unit, amongst other things. We had a hotdog for lunch for 89p (love Ikea!) and then I drove home where Mo had made a gorgeous lasagne for tea.

Afterwards we went to Jack and Anna's for some drinks with James and Kelly, and a few 'nibbles' which was basically full on food. Jack had made Chinese noodles and dumplings, prawns, flatbread, wedges - I ended up eating so much! It was a lovely night and we all stayed up until the early hours chatting; Mo and I stayed over so getting home wasn't a problem.

Today has been a chilled one; we only left Jack and Anna's at 12pm, then I pottered around the house and we have just been to my parents for a good ol' roast. Now ready to start another busy but fun filled week!

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