Sunday 3 August 2014

Hen Do!


This weekend I headed to Liverpool for Becky, one of Mo's university friend's Hen party. I have only been to one Hen do previously, in Edinburgh, so was excited to hit Liverpool for the second!

I caught the train at 12.33pm, and landed at the station just before 2pm, ready to meet a couple of the other girls before getting a taxi to the hotel. We stayed at 33 James Street, the place where the Titanic was registered, and the rooms were amazing! They had padded quilted walls, big black sleigh beds, roll top jacuzzi baths - probably the nicest hotel I've ever stayed in! There were 5 of us per room, and I was sharing with the bride's sister Siobhan, Paula her friend from school, the groom's work colleague Marion, and Mel, who is another uni friend of Mo's who I have been out with lots of times before.

We dumped our bags and went for a cocktail at All Bar One until we could check in. An hour later, we went to the rooms and everyone congregated in ours for some pre-drinks of prosecco, wine and jaegerbombs! We got ready at the same time as we were booked in for a meal at Bem Brasil at 8pm.

We got taxis to the restaurant and were sat on three tables which was a nice number to chat to everyone around us. I have never eaten at Bem Brasil before, but would definitely go back, I had two types of beef, lamb, chicken hearts, and a load of sides including sweet potato mash, olives, salad and condiments. I was good and stuck on water until the meal was over when I had an amazing cocktail before we headed to the next place, a bar called Slaters.

Slaters is a cheap and cheerful sort of place, downstairs and a bit of a dingy bar, but it plays good indie music and sells 'quad vods' for £5.40 so you can't complain! We had a couple of drinks in there before going to the club we were finishing the night in, PopWorld. As the name suggests, it plays pop and cheesy music, which isn't my cup of tea, but considering we were a large mixed age group it was lots of fun as we could all dance and knew the songs well. We got taxis back to the hotel at about 2.30am, and everyone had stayed out for the full duration which I thought was a pretty good turnout!

The next morning after grabbing continental breakfast at the hotel and packing all our stuff up, we went for a wander along the docks and popped into The Tate Modern for a wander. I think it was a little over our (hungover) heads, so after a while we went for some lunch in a place called What's Cooking, where I had a gorgeous plate of fish, chips and mushy peas. Mel and I walked back to the hotel and caught a cab to the station as we both had earlier trains than the rest, and the hour trip went surprisingly quickly!

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