Sunday 3 August 2014

Weekly Update!

Catchups, Preparations & Buffets!

This week has been good and sociable! On Tuesday I met up with my friend Katie who I have known since I was about 4; we went for lunch and a catchup at Bap cafe in Altrincham, which was lovely - I had a bacon, brie and cranberry sauce baguette and a white chocolate cookie. Mo stayed that evening and then on Wednesday after work I went to my friend Luke's house for a barbecue which was really nice, even though the sun disappeared by the time we ate!

On Thursday I went round to Mum and Dad's for tea; Dad was working so it was just the three of us and we had fishcakes and a good natter - sometimes it's the best thing just to chill out at my parents house. On Friday I met up with Laura in Didsbury to sort out the final plans for our holiday. We went to Folk, a bar/eatery, and we both had the same - lamb burger with feta cheese and harissa sauce in a bun, it was delicious. I love going out in Didsbury, as it is close to my flat and quite trendy - there is always a good crowd out and it has a very relaxed vibe. I like that the majority of the bars there are privately owned too, as it gives it a community feel that is contemporary and slightly bohemian.

This weekend I have been at a hen party in Liverpool (see previous post) which was so much fun, and I felt surprisingly sprightly this morning! It's a good job as I have just had the family over for dinner (mum, and grandparents). I couldn't face doing a full roast, so did a bit of a buffet tea instead, with potato salad, quiche, olives, coleslaw, salad, cooked meats, cheese and pork pies. It went down well, and used up a lot of stuff I had in my fridge ready for going away on Friday!

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