Monday 25 August 2014

Travellers' Tales...

Becky & Oli's Wedding

This Bank Holiday we have been at a friends wedding for the whole weekend, which has been so much fun. They got married at 2pm on Saturday in a lovely little church in New Ferry on the Wirral, which we just made due to being stuck in Creamfields traffic! The bride's dress was a 50s style one with a full skirt down to her mid calf, and she wore a veil for the ceremony. The bridesmaid dresses were a similar style, in a turquoise/ teal shade which looked lovely next to the flower arrangements of orange, fuschia pink and buttercup yellow.

After the service, a double decker bus was provided to take us to the reception venue, a church hall in Heswall. There was no seating plan which meant everyone mingled, and tea and cakes were served buffet style upon arrival (including some baked by the guests - I made peanut butter blondies!). Drinks flowed, and after the speeches there was a live band and a hog roast later in the evening to keep everyone going.

A group of us ended up going out in Birkenhead afterwards, to some dive bar that was open until 4am. It was so much fun though, and even one of the bridesmaids rocked up in her dress for the occasion!

The following day Mo and I were very hungover, so after a McDonalds we went back to bed until the afternoon, when a barbecue at a local golf club was put on as a second party! There was a quiz and a musician who was very funny, getting everyone involved, and the drinks got going again, hair of the dog!

This time we ended up out in Liverpool, although after going to a couple of places playing dance music and serving cheap double vodkas around Matthew Street, we found ourselves back in a McDonalds before grabbing a taxi home to our hotel. Today we are enduring a double hangover, and at 2pm I drove us both home, where I will be vegging out for the foreseeable future!

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