Tuesday 5 August 2014

Summer Views...

How To Train Your Dragon 2 - 5 stars *****

I only recently watched the first of these films and loved it, so when the second came out, I jumped at the chance to take Aum to see it. The story begins five years after the initial instalment, and dragons now live peacefully in Berk amongst the villagers. 

Main man Hiccup is at the age where he has to make a decision about his future, and he is being pressurised into taking over from his father Stoick as chieftain of the village. He has his reservations, and instead enjoys flying around with his dragon, Toothless, and exploring unmapped areas. On one such trip, he encounters a dragon trapper named Eret, who is hostile towards him and attempts to capture Toothless in the name of his boss, a shady character building a dragon army named Drago Bludvist.

Upon returning to his father to warn of Drago, it turns out that Stoick has had a run in with him before, and he is a barbaric war lord who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Determined to believe that war isn't the answer, Hiccup runs away to try and reason with Drago, only to be captured by a dragon rider called Valka, who turns out to be Hiccup's long lost mother, believed dead. She takes him to a dragon paradise that she has founded from rescuing dragons, created by a humongous species called a Bewilderbeast, known as the Alpha, to whom all dragons answer.

Stoick follows Hiccup and is reunited with his wife, but Drago has also followed, backed with his own Bewilderbeast, who fights the Alpha and wins. Using its power of control over all the other dragons, it turns them against the humans, including Toothless, who ends up killing Stoick whilst hypnotised.

Distraught, Hiccup returns to Berk and sets a plan to ride baby dragons (who are not controllable by the Alpha) and defeat Drago. He manages to break the enchantment over Toothless, and when he battles against Drago's Bewilderbeast and wins, he becomes the new Alpha. Hiccup takes up the role of chieftain and despite losing a leg in battle, order is restored.

I actually preferred this film to the first, which doesn't happen very often with sequels! The visualisations are amazing, it actually feels like it could be possible for somewhere as beautiful and magical as Berk to exist. The relationships throughout are extremely believable, and I easily shed a tear at the demise of Stoick, who was a very likeable character. The twist of Hiccup's mother returning was a lovely plotline and helped to explain why he has such a talent with the dragons, and there were some create comedic moments which seemed to make everyone in the audience chuckle, regardless of age. A great one to watch with the kids -but I will also be watching it again with the boyfriend!

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