Friday 29 August 2014

New Tastes...

Hale Kitchen

Last night a group of us met up to go for drinks at Victor's, the new bar and diner in Hale. I got a phone call earlier in the day from Tasha, saying she had managed to get a Groupon voucher for Hale Kitchen for a meal, so we decided to go there first for some food. It was the first time all five of the girls left in the area have managed to get together in ages, so was a lovely evening.

We ordered some bread and olives as a starter, but unfortunately they forgot about it, and so we chose to cancel it rather than have it arrive at the same time as the mains. I chose pork belly, which was served with a baked apple stuffed with chutney, and horseradish mashed potato, then drizzled with a red wine jus. The meat was cooked to perfection, and all the flavours had been clearly thought out as the different elements complimented each other well.

Between us all we had different mains, Tasha had lamb shank, Emily had seafood pasta and Abi had chicken supreme - Hannah had already eaten beforehand. Everyone commented how tasty it was, though it was a good job we had a voucher as mains are all quite pricey at between £16-18 each.

Overall it was a nice meal, and was great as part of a deal (we each paid £15 including wine and tip), but with the expensive dishes and the lack of appetisers due to the forgetful staff, I wouldn't be rushing back to pay the full prices.

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