Thursday 4 September 2014

Days Out!

Applejack's Adventure Park

Yesterday, Aum and I went to Applejack's Adventure Park, just off the M56 in Warrington. We arrived at about 1pm, and it was a gorgeous day so everything was accessible. We started with a walk over to what was called 'The Eliminator', which was a Gladiator style inflatable where four people stood on plinths and used a big blow-up ball hanging from the middle to knock each other off!

We then went over to the shooting range, where you could fire rubber balls out of air pressurised cannons onto targets, it was so loud! We stopped for some lunch (I had a jacket potato and cheese, Aum had a hot dog) and then afterwards Aum went on the jumping pillow - literally a huge yellow inflatable submerged into sand that could fit 25 people on at once. We then went rollerskating in the mini rink, which I was very impressed at my abilities on!

There was a little wooden maze which we attempted, but it was ridiculously muddy so we ended up going back on ourselves to come out. We then went to the Ball Blast - a big netted tent where you shoot sponge balls at each other from behind barriers, like a children's version of paintballing I suppose. Then we tried archery (I was hopeless) and ended the day on the huge zipwires which were big enough for adults, before Aum did a few things for the kids only - electronic go karts (£1 a ride) that were like tractors, and he also climbed to the top of the Haystack Mountain, fairly self explanatory!

There was also a full maize maze, and a tractor and cart ride you could go on around the outskirts of the park, but we didn't have much time left - I was surprised at the amount of things to do so hadn't planned a full day there! Aum loved it, and it was £9 for kids and £10 for adults, and food was very reasonable, so I shall definitely be taking him back sometime, probably with a couple of his friends too!

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