Sunday 7 September 2014

Weekly Update!

Burgers & A Four Day Weekend!

This week has been quite exciting as I started a new role at Candid Magazine. I am now their Online Music Editor, so it is my job to source all of the material for articles from press releases I am sent, and then find writers for them all. It has been hard work as there have been lots of introductions to be made and stuff to learn, but I find it really enjoyable and it means I get to stay on top of loads of fab new music!

Aum has been off school for half of this week, so we had a chilled day on Monday, then went to Applejacks Adventure Park on Tuesday (see previous post) and on Wednesday we met Abi for some lunch at Gastronomy. I had eggs pesto which were delicious, and then in the afternoon we got Aum's hair cut and uniform ready for his first day at Manchester Grammar School.

My workload was really building up at this point, and I was getting a little stressed, but then luckily I had Thursday and Friday off as his mum wanted to take him and collect him from his first couple of days at his new school, so it gave me time to catch up. On Thursday afternoon Mo and I went to the Trafford Centre for a mooch around, and then he stayed afterwards. He went home the following morning, and then we met up for a late lunch at SoLIta in Manchester. I had the KFB which was a beef burger with Monterey Jack cheese, bourbon barbecue sauce and Kentucky fried bacon, and was supposed to have jalapenos on too but I chickened out and asked for it without! In the evening I had an article to write so had a quiet one and chilled out.

Yesterday I cleaned the house, and then in the evening Ellie, Emily and Laura all came to mine for some predrinks before we went out in Manchester. We went to Terrace in the Northern Quarter, which was a cool place, if rather expensive (£7.40 for a double!). Music was good, and we stayed until half 2 before getting taxis home rather merry!

Today I got ready and have just been shopping in Stockport with Mum, got a few much needed bargains from Primark (a white dress, two going out tops and a cute knitted top for work) and then I came home ready for Mo to come round for some dinner and to stay. Very much enjoyed my four day weekend!

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