Sunday 14 September 2014

Weekly Update!

Sushi, Sin City 2 & Tough Mudder!

I felt pretty refreshed this week after a four day weekend, and Aum being back in school means I have plenty of time free to do my Candid job and get back into the gym, which has suffered over the last few weeks. I managed to get a workout in on five days this week, one of which was Tough Mudder, which I think made up for the two days off!

On Tuesday I had dinner at the Country Club, and had some sushi as I had a real craving for it. I have been through the menu now and still love the prawn crunch roll, but today I opted for the dragon roll which is eel and salmon, and had a side of green vegetables with it. Mo came to stay afterwards, and then the following day we went to see Sin City 2 (see next week's post). I ate at Mum and Dads that evening, but was up until 1.30am when I got home writing up an article, and then still had to get up at 6am the next morning to finish it!

I managed to drag myself to spinning which knackered me, and I did Body Combat on Friday as well, before chilling out that evening with a lovely homemade chilli and having a bath to try and ward off a horrendous cold - great timing! Saturday I was up bright and early as I was picking Mo and Laura up at 10am ready for the hours drive to Cholmondeley Estate where Tough Mudder was held (see next week's post for a full account!). It took us 5 hours as Laura hurt herself, but was so much fun, and very muddy! It was great to enjoy a couple of pints afterwards before Mo kindly drove us home.

We got a Chinese at mine and chilled out, and were in bed for 11pm - such a tiring day! Today I had a lie in, then Mum and Dad have just been round for an Indian, samosas and onion bhajees followed by Mo's chicken biryani which is delicious. They are off on their holidays tomorrow to Zante (very jealous) so was a sort of farewell meal. Now we are just chilling out before heading back to work in the morning!

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