Sunday 21 September 2014

Weekly Update!

Partying With Freshers & Hospital Visits!

To be honest, this really isn't going to be a long post as I've had a pretty boring week! I ate at the Country Club with Aum on Tuesday and had the crunch roll as fancied an old favourite. I went for a nice run on Thursday and then in the evening met up with Rick for a few drinks in Manchester. We started in Cane & Grain, a new bar in the Northern Quarter. It was quite expensive, but then everywhere in that area is, and the inside was nicely decorated in an industrial style with skateboards on the wall! It had three floors but we just stuck to the one, apparently each is themed differently though, and the food coming out of the kitchen looked good.

We then moved on to Dry Bar, where I had a very fortunate text saying I wasn't needed for the school run in  the morning - dangerous when I'd already had three drinks. We hit the jaegerbombs and decided to stay out and go to 42s after a quick last one in Night & Day Cafe. 42s was full of twelve year olds (we'd forgotten it was Freshers Week!) but the tunes were awesome as ever, and drinks were ridiculously cheap. I eventually got a taxi back to Mum and Dads at 3am, and was suffering for it all day Friday!

I had a quiet weekend; on Saturday I tried Crossfit for the first time which I really enjoyed, it is a shame most of the classes are in the evenings or I would seriously consider joining with it being so close to my flat. The rest of the day I spent in Altrincham Minor Injuries unit after my finger had become infected after Tough Mudder! It was fine though, and then Mo came round in the evening to chill. Today I've done lots of work including writing an article and am enjoying a relaxing Sunday evening before work tomorrow.

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