Sunday 28 September 2014

Weekly Update!

JAWS, Steak, Sofar & Slow Cooking!

I've had such a fun week! Monday started off well with a trip to the Deaf Institute with Laura to watch JAWS for a Candid review (see previous post). We had free press tickets so got to smugly walk past the huge queue of freshers waiting to get in! They were really good, and I particularly enjoyed watching the support band Fickle Friends, it's always great to discover some new music.

On Tuesday I had an awesome steak at the Country Club, accompanied with bacon wrapped asparagus, and on Wednesday I went to the freshers fair with Mo, where I got loads of free goodies - from Rimmel nail varnish to vodka and Domino's pizza! I babysat that evening and Emily came round for a quick coffee as she had just got back from Turkey. On Thursday Jasmine and I went to an event called Sofar Sounds (see next week's Candid article) which was an amazing experience - you find out the venue the day before, and turn up in someone's living room where four bands or artists play all for a small donation, wicked!

On Friday during the day I went to the Trafford Centre with Mum and Jas for a wander around, and we had a takeaway curry in the evening as Mum and Dad had just got back from their holiday in Zante. I went to John Lewis with Mum yesterday and we got some coffee and cake in the cafe, and last night we predrank at Emily and Smeed's place before going out for a few drinks in Didsbury. It was my first evening out there and I really enjoyed myself; we had a cocktail in The Violet Hour where Laura works, then moved on to M Tiki which is more clubby, but really small so after one we left and got cheesy chips!

Today I met Mo to go and do a food shop ready to make something in the slow cooker. We prepared it all and then went for a drink in the newly opened Heald Green pub round the corner. The weather was actually quite pleasant so we sat outside, and when we got back the moroccan lamb we'd set going had made the whole flat smell delicious! It tasted really good, and there was plenty for us both to have seconds, and now we are lounging around feeling very over indulged. It's been an action packed week, just how I like it!

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