Monday 1 September 2014

Travellers' Tales...


Continuing on from the last post, on Saturday we had a big cooked breakfast and Anna arrived ready for us to go out for the day. We walked up to Williamson Park and Ashton Memorial; it was a lovely day so we worked up quite a sweat going up the hill! The boys struggled to say the least, so we left them at the bottom of the memorial to walk up to the top. Afterwards we stopped for a well earned pint in The Borough, where I had a tasty cider.

We walked through the city centre and up to The Merchants, which was really busy outside due to the sun being out. We sat inside and the three girls shared a bottle of wine, and then we all walked home stopping off for some fish and chips to eat back at the house. We got on the jaeger bombs and got ready for a night out, then got a taxi to Dalton Rooms. We played a couple of games of pool and had some cocktails (2 for 1!), and then the boys went home and left us girls to some shots and dancing! We weren't out much later to be honest (we got back at 1.30am), but it was good fun, and meant it wasn't a crazy late night.

The following morning we all had a lie in, and then went for a Sunday roast at The Chophouse on Church Street, where two courses are just £10.95. I chose a main and pudding, and got roast pork, which came with root vegetables, yorkshire pudding, mash, roast potatoes and loads of crackling! For dessert I got the sticky toffee pudding with ice cream, which was delicious. The others headed home straight from town, whilst Mo and I went back to the house for a last minute scour before setting off ourselves at around 4pm. A really great weekend with lovely friends!

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