Wednesday 29 October 2014

Candid Article 62


I reviewed newcomers Aquilo's gig at Manchester's Soup Kitchen on Monday, see below:

Sunday 26 October 2014

Weekly Update!

Stoke, Singing & Stalls!

Aum has been off school this week, so it has been a usual one of going out for lunches and doing fun stuff! On Tuesday we tried the Oxford Road Cafe (see previous post) and on Wednesday we went and played crazy golf at the Trafford Centre. Thursday we had a lazy day and a swim in the pool,and it was Diwali, so they gave me a box of Laduree macaroons as a present, which didn't last long! I babysat in the evening for one of Aum's old HPS school friends.

On Friday we went to Carluccio's for lunch with one of Aum's current school friends and his family. I opted for a salad, but it was still pretty naughty as it had blue cheese, walnuts and bacon on it! I finished work quite early and rushed home to pack for a night at one of my old uni friend's houses in Stoke with all the usual crew. We just stayed in as people were all arriving at different times, had a nice spaghetti bolognese and quite a lot to drink!

The next day we had traditional oatcakes for breakfast, which were amazing! Definitely something I will seek out again. Then after a lazy start we went bowling for something to do, which was actually pretty fun, I haven't been with anyone other than Aum in forever. I set off for home at about 3pm as that evening I was at a Katy B gig with Emily. We drove in, and then afterwards went for a couple in Piccolinos in Hale to meet up with the girls who were already out there.

I stayed at Mum and Dad's and today have been for a mooch at Altrincham Market with Jasmine and Mum which was cool; it has recently been renovated and is full on trendy market chic, with an artisan pizzeria, home ground coffee house and live music. We stayed there for a while, grabbed some food and looked at some of the stalls (which sold everything from art prints to fur coats, to jewellery made from cutlery and home baked brownies!) and came home early this evening for some tea. Great week of fun, socialising and eating!

Candid Article 61

Katy B 

Click the link below for my latest Candid article on Katy B at Manchester's Academy:

Tuesday 21 October 2014

New Tastes...

Oxford Road Cafe, Altrincham

Today I headed to a cute little eatery in Altrincham called the Oxford Road Cafe with Abi and Aum, as he is currently off school. It is tucked down a side street away from the main town centre, so you would think it would be relatively quiet, but I was surprised at how busy the place was when we walked in. 

We waited ten minutes for as table, which shows the cafe's popularity with it just being 1pm on a Tuesday, not a particularly busy time of the week. I ordered a skinny latte and Aum had a juice, whilst we waited for Abi to arrive. Our server was very pleasant, and assured us whilst we perused the menu that everything was made to order so anything could changed accordingly (always good to know with a child in tow).

Abi arrived and we ordered - I chose the 'Stu Special': smoked salmon, scrambled egg, asparagus spears, wilted spinach and sauteed mushrooms. It looked very presentable on the plate, and was relatively cheap at £6.95. Aum stuck with his standard bacon sandwich, which I was told was 'Delicious!'.

I always enjoy visiting and trying out places I haven't been to before, especially if they are local and independent, and the Oxford Road Cafe is a great hidden gem with super service and well made, reasonable food. Check it out if you're ever in the area!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Weekly Update!

Crumble, Dress-up & Perusing! 

This week has been a proper chilled one, as I had Monday afternoon and Friday off so plenty of time to enjoy myself! After Carluccio's on Monday (see previous post) I met Jasmine for a drink in the Moss Trooper and then had a quiet evening at home.

On Tuesday I went with my dad to the Adidas factory in Stockport and got a few bargains, including some new neon vest tops to stick with all my other bright gear! I went to The Cake Gallery on Wednesday with Jasmine and had a slice of rose and pistachio cake, which is my favourite one that they make, and then I babysat in the evening before Aum broke up from school on Thursday.

On Friday I had my nails done and then Abi popped round for some homemade crumble in the afternoon, before I headed round to my mums for some tea and to go out with Jasmine and her friends for Charlie's birthday. We had predrinks at his house, and then went to Cane and Grain in the Northern Quarter before moving on to a more clubby place afterwards. I met up with my mate Benn who was out in town and we went for a drink in a cool bar called The Gas Lamp that was underground and quite Victorian in style.

The next day I was so hungover, and had a family party to go to at my grandparents in Leven, Yorkshire. We picked up a McDonalds on the way and then I tried to sleep it off, which didn't really work! It was my cousin's 8th birthday so we had some bits of food and took some funny photos with a kit my mum had bought which had a big photo frame and then accessories to change your appearance, like moustaches and hats, funny lips and noses etc, was good fun. I drove back that night and we got a Chinese for a late tea - lovely healthy hangover day as usual!

On Sunday Mum, Jas and I went to the new Altrincham market which is lovely, it has lots of vintage and handmade craft type stalls with illustrations, jewellery, fur coats and lots of knick knacks to pass a lazy Sunday. We got a 'New Yorker' panini from one of the food stands that had pastrami, Swiss cheese, pickles and mustard on it, and I bought a brownie to take home with me. Jam packed week but lots of fun!

Monday 13 October 2014

New Tastes...

Carlucchio's, Hale

Today I headed to sample Hale's latest restaurant addition - Carluccio's. I went with Tasha and Abi, and we ended up staying there for ages as I wasn't needed to collect Aum from school so didn't need to rush.

I got a latte to drink and the tortellini all'Emiliana, which was pasta parcels filled with prosciutto in a creamy sauce. It was quite a small portion but perfect for lunchtime, and meant there was room for a dessert! I chose the chocolate bread and butter pudding, which was gorgeous. It was packed with chocolate and the custardy type liquid that the panettone bread was soaked in had lots of vanilla pods in so gave it a really fresh flavour.

We stayed chatting for a while, until the waiter seemed to be getting a bit impatient! The bill wasn't too bad considering I'd had two drinks, a starter and a main, it was £21 with a tip so didn't break the bank. Comfortable setting and good service, bit pricier than somewhere for an everyday meal, but nice for a special occasion or when you're not counting the pennies.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Weekly Update!

New Experiences & Bad Decisions!

My first week as a singleton has actually been not only easier than I thought, but also not that different to my last few weeks in a couple, as I was barely seeing Mo anyway. The key has been keeping busy, not too difficult to acheive when ive been struggling to fit all my writing in with having Aum full time and gymming.

On Monday I did a yoga class in the evening, and Tuesday I ate at the Country Club where I had tempura prawns and Dragonfly sushi (yellow-fin tuna maki roll wrapped in lemon sole topped with crab mayo and baked with spicy ponzu). On Wednesday I was brave and went to my first gig solo (see previous post), which was a scary experience, but I'm glad I went, even if I drove there and literally stayed for the forty minute set and then drove home!

On Thursday I met up with Abi for a coffee and cake at And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon in Didsbury, I had a toffee popcorn cupcake which was very naughty but I deserve it this week. On Saturday I lounged around for most of the day, and then went out in Manchester with Laura and her flatmates (her new house is amazing!), and Tasha came along too. It was nice to meet some new people and go to a couple of different bars in the Northern Quarter - Kosmonaut and Guilty, which both turned out to be pretty good, but then you can't really go wrong in that part of town.

On Sunday I made the stupid decision of doing Go Ape! with my sister whilst hungover (see previous post). The venture has probably scarred me for life, but luckily I had a nice dinner to go back to at my parents, before catching a (sort of) early night.

Days Out!

Go Ape, Buxton

Today I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for a day of swinging through the trees with my sister at Go Ape! in Buxton. Probably not the best idea on a raging hangover, but it had seemed like a fun idea at the time I booked it!

We drove the hour journey, and after getting stuck in traffic had to rearrange our start time for half an hour later than anticipated. We eventually arrived and got kitted up with our harnesses, and were given a quick safety demonstration and taught how to fasten ourselves in for each obstacle. Then we were left to our own devices!

I'd be lying if I said I felt confident, it was so much higher than I had expected (and I am not usually bothered by heights) and I didn't feel like I had absorbed the instructions fully either. But together we started, and once you are up in the trees there's nothing you can do but continue on until the end of the course - daunting but at least you can guarantee you will finish it!

The first few were relatively tame, but one obstacle a few in really got me jittery, which was an aerial runway where it honestly felt like I was throwing myself off a ledge to my death. Luckily my sister had gone first so had to do everything before me (what a gallant older sister I am!) but there were more than a couple of instances where even her encouragement wasn't good enough to persuade me. I hesitated for at least five minutes on one towards the end called the Extreme Tarzan, where you had to fling yourself off a plank to be jolted upwards and thrown into a giant rope net face first, which you then had to haul yourself up to the top of.

There were a few where there was nothing to hold onto at the sides; one in particular was just a moving wooden balance beam no wider than a couple of inches, so you had to rely on your balancing prowess and trust that the harness was strong enough to hold you. I had made an error on the last obstacle and only attached one end (thankfully I realised once it was completed and not mid-way through and panicked) so was very anxious on that one, to the point of near hyperventilation!

It took us just over two and a half hours to complete, which was probably due to the hangover adding to my nervousness, but it felt like such a major achievement at the end that Jasmine and I collapsed onto the floor in a heap, grateful for our lives. Lots of fun but definitely not for the faint hearted!

Friday 10 October 2014

Candid Article 60

Max Jury

For my latest article, a review of Max Jury's gig in Manchester's Northern Quarter, click the link below:

Sunday 5 October 2014

Weekly Update!

Girls, Greek Food & Glastonbury!

This week has been full of ups and downs. Monday and Tuesday were as normal, we ate at the Country Club where I had amazing fish and chips, and then I babysat on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday, so was good to earn some money. On Thursday I went for lunch at Oxford Road Cafe with Laura, where I had eggs Benedict, and then in the evening I went to see Gone Girl with Emily and Abi (see previous post).

Friday was where the down started, as Mo and I broke up, which wasn't the best start to the weekend. Luckily I had a fun trip to Carlisle planned with the girls to visit Lydia, which helped to take my mind off things. We set off mid-afternoon and arrived just before tea time to get ready to go out for a meal. We went to a Greek place called Alexandros, which was a cute little restaurant with a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. I had the lamb shank with vegetables followed by a honey, plum and nut cake, which was a little too sweet for my liking, but I ate it all the same!

Afterwards we went for a few drinks, firstly in a chain type bar and then after a quick shot at another venue, we went to a cocktail bar called Eaten By Monsters, where we hit the zombies! It was a bit creepy downstairs, almost like the set of a horror film (perhaps the name was inspired by it?!). We then moved on to another bar called The Last Zebra, which was really cool, it had a huge cocktail menu and animal skins on the walls - as well as some awesome toilets with massive mirrors and thrones in them!

On the Sunday we were up early to buy Glastonbury tickets, which we all managed to get (woop!) and then we headed home just after lunchtime. A really great weekend to break me into impending single life!