Thursday 13 January 2011

Traveller's Tales...

The Manchester Museum

Today, my boyfriend and I headed into Manchester to go to the University Museum there. Aside from having nothing better to do, it was also first choice as we are both low on funds at the moment and it is free admission, so seemed the perfect place to go.

I've been quite a few times, both leisurely and with school, and always really enjoy the place, there's so much to see that there is something for everyone. We started in the 'Living Cultures and Archery' section, which had a massive elephant skeleton at its entrance. After looking around that section for a while we went to the 'Money' and 'Mediterranean Archaeology' parts, where they have loads of really nice pottery and metal-ware.

Next up was a section I love- the live animals. They have lizards, snakes, geckos and lots of frogs, which are my absolute favourite animals! It's always fun trying to spot the critters in each exhibit, as sometimes they are very well camouflaged! From there we went onto the 'Animal Life' area, where there are hundreds of stuffed animals. Unfortunately the main area was being renovated, so we were unable to see all the mammals, but the birds, fish and insects were still open, so there were lots of pretty creatures to view.

The final sections we looked at were 'Ancient Egypt', 'Pre-historic Life' and 'Rocks and Minerals'. The Egyptian bit I find fascinating, as there's lots of real mummies in there; it's bizarre thinking that they were actually alive thousands of years ago. The part we ended in was the dinosaur exhibition, where there is a massive T-Rex skeleton dominating the room. It is really interesting to look at some of the skeletons and see just how similar they are to animals today- especially the fish and birds.

There was also a special temporary exhibition on China that looked good, but we were already quite pushed for time so decided to leave seeing that. With it being free, we can always come back another time! Overall, it was a brilliant day out, that is so much more enriching than going shopping or to the cinema. I thoroughly recommend it!

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