Sunday 30 January 2011

Weekly Update!

Fathers, LUFS and last minute partying!

The beginning of this week was spent worrying about a meeting with my dissertation tutor, which actually went surprisingly well, and I now don't feel like I am totally incapable of writing it! On Wednesday my dad came to Lancaster with three of his friends to go on one of their frequent bar crawls around town. It was good for me though, as I got quite a few free drinks and tea at the Friary paid for, as a thankyou for playing host for the night, and came home to a leftover garlic bread to eat the following day!

On Thursday it was the LUFS fundraiser for Tattered Lace, which was held at Mint cocktail bar. Despite a lack of numbers, we still made £80 and had a really nice night with the exec members and a few others. It was a 'lock-in' so we got some good drinks offers, and stayed until about 2.30am, before heading onwards to Lounge for even more drinks! I didn't feel too guilty though, as I hadn't been out in Lancaster since the first weekend back after the holidays, so was definitely due one.

Friday was a completely wasted day in the sense that I didn't do anything work-wise, however, it was productive in other ways, as I booked my flights to Paris for April (woop!) and also did some blogging and creative writing. All this as well as cooking lots of food and watching an excessive amount of TV- which must be enhancing my brain somehow?!

On Saturday I hit the gym in the morning, and then did a bit of dissertation work in the afternoon and evening, before a very last minute night out was thrust upon me. After fancying going out, but not receiving much interest, I'd pretty much rejected the idea, until a text at 10pm informed me I had an hour to get ready and get drinking. To say it was so spontaneous, it was one of the best nights out I've had this year, as there were so many different people that I knew who were out. Today again hasn't been filled with work as it should have been, but there's still time before I head to the quiz later, so I'm on it!

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