Sunday 16 January 2011

Weekly Update!

Food Glorious Food!

This week was my final one at home before heading back to university for my second term of final year (argh!). To be honest, I've not done a lot except copious readings before starting lectures again on Monday, and a few shifts at work to get some last minute money.

On Tuesday evening, my mum used her new slow cooker to make a lovely beef and horseradish stew that was lovely. We had it with peas and green beans and there were carrots and potatoes in the stew, that had gone deliciously sweet with it cooking for so long (7 hours!). We finished the meal off with Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ben and Jerrys with warm cinnamon cookies that we got from the Christmas Market in Manchester (see previous post), not quite as rustic, but tasty nonetheless!

On Wednesday my boyfriend came to stay and although we didn't do anything particularly exciting, he made us another nice meal- a kind of honey mustard chicken covered in poppy seeds which we had with rosemary and rock salt mini roast potatoes. We didn't have any honey as required in the recipe as my mum is allergic, so we used Golden Syrup instead, and although it is much sweeter, it worked fine. It's a good job I've been on a few runs this week, with all this yummy food consumption!

On Thursday we went to the Manchester Museum (see another previous post!) which was fun, and then Friday I worked a monster eight hour shift which actually went surprisingly quickly. Yesterday I had the task of moving all my stuff back in (including a temperamental rabbit!) and despite planning on doing some work once I had got settled, it took me that long to unpack that by the time I was done, it was time to get ready for my first night out back in Lancaster. I wore my new corset, which was worth the pain; and after pre-drinking at my boyfriend's house, went to Wetherspoons and then Sugarhouse. The night ended relatively early, as I wasn't really feeling it, but it was nice to see some faces that had been hidden away for four weeks!

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